Biden’s fraudulent pResidency is quickly collapsing. Yes, DHS monitors, I said it. Everyone knows the election was stolen and now the country is fractured into bankrupted pieces. The inflation report today is irrelevant since people already are paying for the consequences of the coup at the gas pump and grocery store. The shelves are bare, the work ethic is destroyed and “insurrection” is in the air.
One man’s insurrection is another man’s restoration. Restoration of Freedom, Liberty and the American Dream. Joe Biden has only one play left: initiate WWIII in Ukraine. But Putin is too smart: he just has to wait to pick up the pieces when the coup here collapses along with everything else. I have to give Putin credit: putting troops on the Ukrainian border has definitely gotten inside of what is left of Biden’s demented mind.
I do not think the implications of the article below will be understood by most people. The closing of what is left of the automotive industry in Detroit will absolutely collapse the economy.
David DeGerolamo
North American Automakers Shutter Production Amid Canadian Trucker Blockade
We warned days ago that if the Ambassador Bridge that connects Windsor, Ontario, with Detroit, were to remain closed until the end of the week, there would be severe consequences for North America’s auto industry.
As of Thursday morning, automakers including Toyota, Chrysler Pacifica, Ford, and General Motors halted or limited production at their Canada/U.S. manufacturing plants due to Canadian truckers blocking the busiest international land border crossing between the U.S. and Canada over vaccine mandates.
Perhaps everything needs to collapse and the normies recognize and realize who was responsible before anything like restoration can commence. I’ve said for years that feminism has destroyed the family. The demonized male, in a collapse situation, would once again become the fully recognized protector and provider that even the most looney feminist would acknowledge. The family has to be restored before community and before freedom. It is the key. Strong men …
Malachi 2:3, if you anger God He’ll rub poop in your face. I think it’s about time we help Him out.
“North American Automakers Shutter Production Amid Canadian Trucker Blockade”
Told you the stupid trucker freedom bullshit would have unintended negative consequences. Keep cheering them on while the shelves go bare. Exactly what TPTB WANT TO HAPPEN!
No, the powers that wanna-be have trapped you into the blame game.
NC Rob,
Do not know how long you have been paying attn. Have you prepped at all? Most of us have known and felt a collapse is imminent.
I just plan on taking the preps of pacifists.

Come and get it!
You and people like you are not hard to recognize.
Either are you, peace at any cost WTF.
I wrote previously that the time for fooling around is over.
I will not put up with anyone who has a “one bullet” philosophy.
One bullet
One way to fight
My way or the highway
All divisive and collectivist in their own way.
I’m not angry at all. I laugh at the idiots who think this will return their liberty. More peaceful protests! Vote moar harder!
The vote harder and peaceful protest crowd just will not come to the reality of our situation. Go back to sleep it is just a bad dream.
It would appear that we are in a huge game of chicken. I could say that the other side has anticipated this in their plans. The truth is we as “freedom” loving individuals, on both sides of the boarder, have little to nothing to loose at this time. I say, SHUT IT “ALL” DOWN! We can either do it now or suffer the consequences of total slavery under elites later. What say you America? The Canadian citizen has chosen.
Shut it all down and let’s get to it then.
Everyone involved in this stolen election should be arrested, tried, executed or Imprisoned.
The fuse was lit a long time ago, it has been a slow burner, the protest in my opinion will only hurt we the people. We need to use our 2nd amendment rights to enhance the burn. The maggots in control have all the resources available to them, they will not suffer the shortages of food or anything else, how much longer do you want to suffer for their crimes?
Well said Zorost.
Now wait a minute.
The chip shortage for 2 yrs now?
The parts interruptions for the last 4 or more, yet it is now the canadian truckers along with the U.S.?
Most of your parts do not come from canada, try mexico,china,korea,vietnam etc.etc.etc.
Problems with the ports the unions the shipping?
So the Truckers and those standing up for freedom are the straw that broke the camel’s back. Nope do not think so!
This is the blame game, nothing more!
I don’t want to raise sand with anybody,but I read on a website the pilot who crashed his F35C jet on a carrier deck a few fans ago,was experiencing chest pains, possibly from the covid shot he received. Anybody out there hear anything about this?
Wife showed me the video. Never heard anything about chest pains.
For our grandchildren to have a future, the entire government must be disassembled. To put it mildly. If the government is allowed to continue on it’s current path, we are screwed. We are all going to suffer, one way or the other. We can come out on the other side of the collapse free, or continue on the current path and suffer what’s coming. Suffering is in our near future. Let’s make sure it’s worth it. Shut it down and get it on. Here commie commie. Here commie commie. I see you.
For your grandchildren to have a future we must shut down the federal reserve central bank and replace the central bank closed system fiat funny paper with a open system commodity backed sound currency. Currently we are all slaves for fiat paper with no value other then the good trust of the US Government. Well that trust government has not worked out well for the American people. Who is John Galt? TEXIT!
[…] The Beginning of the End Posted on February 10, 2022, by ncRenegade Biden’s fraudulent Presidency is quickly collapsing. Yes, DHS monitors, I said it. Everyone knows the election was stolen and now the country is fractured into bankrupted pieces. The inflation report today is irrelevant since people already are paying for the consequences of the coup at the gas pump and grocery store. The shelves are bare, the work ethic is destroyed and “insurrection” is in the air. […]