There are many songs to inspire our Lord, culture and natural law rights. Another common trait that they share is the wrath of the overlords who seized control of the country. How dare we believe that we are free and have the rights that were guaranteed under the Constitution of the usurped Republic.
When was the last time that you heard or sang a song that brought a tear to your eyes? And our children have very little or no knowledge of this part of our heritage.
David DeGerolamo
Where are we exactly? Do you recognize what used to be a Constitutional Republic, I do not, I am now a terrorist in the country I was born in. We pole vault over mouse turds in our differences in coming together and unite against the forces that are out to kill us. I do not care if you are southern born or bred or northern born and bred, we need to unite and do our duty to God almighty or we will not survive as free men and women.
David -- -- You asked “ When was the last time that you heard or sang a song that brought a tear to your eyes? ”
Ans: The first time U hear Oliver Anthony sing “Rich Men North Of Richmond”
It was a dirge to the death of the America we have all grown up with….
Here are the lyrics:
While I understand the sentiments echoed in his song, I would never recommend it as a rallying cry to reestablish a Christian nation due to the profanity.
We have all the songs,all the laws, all the rights we need! We just need to act!
Maybe the hymn, onward marching soldiers, marching as to war.
It came from his heart. Edit it….darn shame, money aint spit……this is bullspit…….yes it is not a Christian rally cry but it does set the tone for the person listening and let’s them know how desperate the situtation is for people who are not comsumed by everyday Bread and Circus, which most are~
We are a band of brothers, and native to the soil…etc. We are scattered and march under different banners, but many of us still have common denominators. Time to man up, cast off your little girlie panties, and lock and load.