Brumidi was commissioned to paint the ceiling decoration in the rotunda of the United States Capitol, and presented this study to gain approval to begin the monumental work. He chose to paint George Washington in the center of the dome, having ascended to the heavens, looking down upon the visitor. Steeped in classical mythology, Brumidi presents George Washington as Zeus, chief among the Greek gods, flanked by thirteen female figures representing the original thirteen colonies. Six vignettes form the outer edge of the decoration, with allegories pairing Greek gods and goddesses with an aspect of American prowess and ingenuity. Brumidi incorporated current events into his vignettes: at the bottom of this painting, Athena–portrayed as goddess of war–vanquishes the forces of evil, here portrayed by Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy, and his vice president, Alexander H. Stephens. The completion of the dome in 1865 came to symbolize a newly reunited America after the Civil War.
The above painting is called the Apotheosis of George Washington. I want to first clarify the definition of apotheosis:
Apotheosis, elevation to the status of a god. The term (from Greek apotheoun, “to make a god,” “to deify”) implies a polytheistic conception of gods while it recognizes that some individuals cross the dividing line between gods and men.
It appears that one of the symptoms of Trump Derangement Syndrome is that Trump supporters have deified him. I responded in the comments on NCRenegade that I have not seen any deification of Donald Trump. I was called a “L I A R” by a new troll who has been blacklisted. His was not the only negative reaction to my statement. But I could be wrong and I would invite any serious documentation showing Americans deifying him (or George Washington). I have no doubt that George Washington would have been horrified at any suggestion of his “apotheosis”. I also have no doubt that people suffering from TDS will stoop to no level to marginalize the legal President if the Republic had not fallen.
I hope people are keeping track of who is misleading us. Use your own mind and research to plan your future actions. While voting is not the solution overturn an evil empire, it also should not be a justification to attack our own people.
I will not vote for two reasons:
- The votes do not matter; who counts (manipulates) the votes is what matters.
- I will not vote to support any evil government.
David DeGerolamo
Heresy after the first American coup is all I see.
I do not see Trump as a God and have not seen any comment by you as well.
I do NOT trust ole’ Trumpet’ at all for many reasons.
No I do not trust any of the politicians.
I will not vote for the same two reasons.
I will vote. Call it an old, hard to break habit. The only real question is what caliber I am most likely to vote with
Yes, I prefer to vote from the tree line.
America officially DIED in the year 2020. The US Constitution is clearly Nothing but an old rag of a piece of paper at the moment. We had such a good thing and we sat back and allowed it to be stolen and destroyed. Folks deep down many of us know what we must do if we want any shot, any chance at all of getting back what has been so obviously and blatantly Stolen from us. So far, it does NOT look too good my friends.
I agree,I’m done voting. The reality is that the SHTF event we’re likely to encounter prior to November, will be how to survive a massive Nuke strike. It’s all over but the crying and screaming
The painting is a travesty to the United States citizenry. Washington would have puked at such representation. We are preparing, including prayer, for a better outcome in the next conflagration. Even if we perish, we know we are right!
I’m sure George Washington is turning in his grave for having been deified as such. Sad.
Warshington was a freemason. Probably suits him just fine.
He was a freemason. Well known. He also warned of the illuminate that had infiltrated the organization.
There have been several speeches a few disturbing that Trump clearly puts himself upon a pedestal. He continually says He did this or He did that, as if he is all alone and doing it all himself. He continually speaks that He is the only one capable to make america great again as if God has no part in any of this. Some of his followers (not all) have clearly put him on stage as something to worship and yearn for, as if he is their last hope. “without him all will be lost.
Warning signs are there. Trump on all these Gold coins? Kinda telling.
We can see this if we are awake and aware.
i also think George Washington would be disgusted a what they did and what they had planned for his burial in the Crypt that is the Capitol!
The Crypt? Many returned to Egypt and did not even think about it!
Your arguments are not based on facts but conjecture. Large egos do not mean men or women are gods. If your feelings were correct, the master of “I” (Obama) would also be classified as a god.
Dave, like you said earlier about God Complex comments.
People SEE what they WANT TO SEE.
Blind leading the blind is a proverb for a reason.
Trump isn’t a God, nor has he so declared himself one.
I have never implied Trump is a God. QUITE the opposite. You are twisting what I have said. Feelings? Are you joking?
Notice the lower case spelling for god. Large egos usually equal pride and I know the Bible covers that well. I apologize for the way way I phrased my comment which could be taken in different context.
Thanks David, understood. i did notice the lower case.
Been thinking some more. Many including myself did call out Obama. i still see Trump as the pendulum swinging Right. Obama was to the left as Trump is to the right.
Like it or not both thought they could rule by executive order. we see the results.
Follower could you point out a politician that doesn’t say the exact same thing?
An election is nothing more than the advanced auction of stolen goods. H. L. Mencken
Vote for me and I’ll do…
But I fear the same Deep State that fought tooth and nail to prevent Trump from doing anything except when His “Experts Advised” will still be in action.
Fix the voting system? The Deep State is the real threat to the Republic.
George Washington.
Do you see that we get the leaders we deserve? Biblical y? What does this telll us of society? This is more than just pointing fingers at a group refered too as deep state.
I am your voice!
I alone can fix it!
I will restore law and order to our country!
I’m going to make our country rich again!