The Cashless Society Cometh: European Nations Such As Sweden And Denmark Are ‘Eradicating Cash’

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Did you know that 95 percent of all retail sales in Sweden are cashless?  And did you know that the government of Denmark has a stated goal of “eradicating cash” by the year 2030?  All over the world, we are seeing a relentless march toward a cashless society, and nowhere is this more true than in northern Europe.  In Sweden, hundreds of bank branches no longer accept or dispense cash, and thousands of ATM machines have been permanently removed.  At this point, bills and coins only account for just 2 percent of the Swedish economy, and many stores no longer take cash at all.  The notion of a truly “cashless society” was once considered to be science fiction, but now we are being told that it is “inevitable”, and authorities insist that it will enable them to thwart criminals, terrorists, drug runners, money launderers and tax evaders.  But what will we give up in the process?

In Sweden, the transition to a cashless society is being enthusiastically embraced.  The following is an excerpt from a New York Times article that was published on Saturday…

Parishioners text tithes to their churches. Homeless street vendors carry mobile credit-card readers. Even the Abba Museum, despite being a shrine to the 1970s pop group that wrote “Money, Money, Money,” considers cash so last-century that it does not accept bills and coins.

Few places are tilting toward a cashless future as quickly as Sweden, which has become hooked on the convenience of paying by app and plastic.

To me, giving money in church electronically seems so bizarre.  But it is starting to happen here in the United States, and in Sweden some churches collect most of their tithes and offerings this way


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Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

“What would you do if you could not buy, sell, get a job or open a bank account without proper “identification” someday? What you simply give in to whatever the government was demanding of you at the time even if it went against your fundamental beliefs?”

Well we can still buy and sell some items without our “papers” but as far as the other three the answer is no.

9 years ago

complete godless fools are what these idiots are living in these two demonic nations, these fools wont even be around to see there dreams come to fruition in 2030 of a cashless society, When the islamics they imported into there nations by the millions get finished with them they wont see anything. they will all be murdered by the pig islamics, and whom, ever is left will have to pay in CASH the Jhizra tax, so there we have it there cashless society only to be removed by there Islamic pig masters., the dumb and blind leading the rest of the dumb and blind into deaths dark hole. I am sorry but I have to laugh at these suicidal maniacs running these two nations as well a there suicidal citizens. Hitler and his Nazi jew satanists must have dumped something into there water supply during World war 2.

Tom Angle
9 years ago

Revelation 13:17

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

9 years ago

Yes Tom, that applies to the unbelievers which the majority of the world are, they are all anti christs, not to Gods Elected. The People of God will escape the mark because they are sealed with the mark of God and satans brood is sealed with his number 666 in there hand or forehead. The children of Gods mark is the holy spirit residing within us. God will provide for his people during these times, no need to worry , store up your goods and the things that are required to live outside the system just like Joseph did in Egypt, and the Lord will carry us thru to the finish line.. We will watch these evil maniacal fools led by satan there little god all destroy themselves and it will be sad, they will all be heading straight to the judgement seat of God , judged and cast into ever hell and damnation eternally and never to be heard or seen again, along with the little god satan and the false prophet. there end is sure and true just as it is written.

Tom Angle
9 years ago

That is what we have been doing. God has given us a warning, I figure we should heed it.

Francis W. Porretto
9 years ago

Consider the qualities that cause a commodity to be considered cash — i.e., an anonymous form of payment whose wide acceptance is guaranteed:
— Easily identified
— Uniform
— Doesn’t trail its provenance behind it
— Stores value adequately well (i.e., doesn’t lose purchasing power quickly)
— Hard to counterfeit

Sounds like gold and silver qualify, doesn’t it?

9 years ago

Yup Tom, Gods people will heed it, but these godless fools will not , I have even heard many of there super stars state they cant wait to arrive in hell so they can party all the time. I believe these idiots don’t even comprehend what hell really is and that’s why they All will be deserving of going there.

9 years ago

How a cashless society promotes tyranny -- --
You can be turned off if you get out of favor..