I would like to let you know that I have tested positive for #COVID19. I am thankful to have received four doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, and I am feeling well while experiencing very mild symptoms. I am isolating and have started a course of Paxlovid.
— Albert Bourla (@AlbertBourla) August 15, 2022
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Albert -- you’re a moron. Those 4 jabs will likely lead to shortening your life so good luck to you!
I am happily UNJABBED and have had COVID zero times and will continue to take my chances. Should I become sick, I’ll take the Ivermectin and HCQ that I purchased about 6 months into this plandemic.
Enjoy what little time you have left on this earth………….
he got the saline, and is laughing all the way to the bank that he got immunity for killing thousands, one of the most prolific murderers in history
Let me guess we should wash it down with a few gulps of snake oil right?
I very much doubt he took the kill shot.
I caught that man-made “rot”, hit me like a truck… started with a heavy, deep cough… nearly constant. Started feeling like crap. So, I took my first IVERMECTIN capsule. Within 1 hour… the cough disappeared. Slept well that night… took 4 more over the next 4 days, getting better every day. Still vertical at age 73.
NO SHOTS OF THIS KILLER GOOP in this old man. It’s all a FRAUD looking like an attempt at genocide. Need I say more about IVERMECTIN?
Sure you did. It’s the new virtuous thing these days. No one says anymore… Wow, I had the bad case of the Flu. After 32 months of incessant 24/7 “Covid”, it’s… I got “Covid”! Hey every-body! I got the “Covid”! Every-body… Oh swoon! He got the “Covid”! He’s just like us! Welcome to the Covid Club!
Bet you didn’t know that Ivermectin works good for the influenza too.
Anyhow, I got the flu about 6 months ago and I did what I always do when I get the flu… pretty much nothing except for NyQuil.
Hey! Maybe you took the PCR/Antigen Test?
If he did take 4 genuine doses, I’ll watch for him to get a starring role in one of Stew Peters short videos.
Sure you did, Albert. Sure you did. Stop insulting our intelligence, you liar.
People aren’t bright enough to read between the PsyOps 101 lines…
But… but… see, I am fully vaccinated and I am only experiencing mild symptoms! This is why you too should be multi-vaxxed and you will only experience mild symptoms! And don’t forget the Paxlovid! We make that too!
Just more gaslighting.
P.S. Remember when… The Pfizer CEO hasn’t yet gotten his vaccine because he’s respecting the vaccination priority order. And, Bourla will get the vaccine as soon as possible, but he doesn’t want to cut the line.
valar morgulis
Quadruple Vaxxed Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Catches COVID for Second Time Darth Vader has the flue.
Every year I get a sinus infection. I guess I’m just susceptible. Blow my nose for 3 or 4 days. Then it clears up. I got it this last week. Everybody I know thinks I have covid. I’ve been getting this for over 20 years. They’re brainwashed. Have to move to a dry climate.