The chatter I am hearing about fuel and truckers

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2 years ago

SP1, thanks again for all your good advice!

Shortages from shipping issues, trucking issues, laws, and then just too expensive!
Part of the solution is stock up and then be self sufficient. Once you are well prepared, you are then a target for the looters, civil and the government types.

Have plans to defend your stuff, then have back up plans, finally, don’t keep all your eggs in one basket. Have caches of supplies away from your house. If you are over run you will still need supplies!

One of the differences between military planning and a homestead, is the military can tolerate casualties, families can’t! Finally, If you all haven’t read Duffers Drift do so and remember PACE!

2 years ago

SP 1, I just watched your video about your shelter/bunker, I am impressed.
That was what I was talking about in my previous comment. That is what all who have space should do, shelter and supplies!

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Delivery prices are going down because there is less demand? Delivery prices are going up because of fuel costs. Which is it? My buddies that get deliveries to their businesses are having to pay a fuel surcharge. Answer. The price is going up and it will get much higher. The price of a barrel of oil went over $113 today. The gasoline futures went over $4.06 per gallon. The west coast is switching some of their refineries from diesel production to biodiesel production. Not good. No more diesel imports from Russia. Jet fuel costs are going through the roof. Air travel is getting much more expensive. I don’t have any info on increases in cost for airfreight and air mail. Expect it to go up also.

enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago

Fear is their most prominent tool. Be wary, but be smart. And never ever give up. In our present world driven by the industrial revolution, our success is driven by energy instead of as in days of yore, agriculture. Even agriculture these days is driven by energy for its successes, and consequent ability to provide for much of the worlds food products. Delivery which depends upon energy. Energy consumption is the engine that drives the entire world. What will you do when it finally runs out. Solar/wind/hydroelectric/nuclear/natural gas/coal will not keep this planet on its present course. The green new dealio is a lost cause, impossible to meet even the most cursory requirement nationwide. Suitable only for local sustainability.