The Chickens Have Come Home to Roost

While I do not condone the language and Pakistani’s are Muslims, the point above is well taken. I strongly urge everyone to read more of the following examples at this article:

 I bought a case of canned beef on March 9th.  12 cans of beef at 28oz a can.  Wifey is a meat eater, and I like me some protein in with my veggies and rice.  I picked it up for $159.00 w/free shipping.  So, went back, and saw this:

On sale for $219.00.  Down from $339.00!!!!!I paid $159.  that’s almost a 100% increase in 30 days, and at the $219?  That’s still a 76.2% increase.

h/t WRSA

If you still think we can vote our way out of this, we can wait until 2024 or you will not be able to afford food in the very near future, I have no advice to give you. Tyranny unchecked will only become more emboldened.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

Over a year ago I bought a case of (24) 14.5oz cans each of canned shredded turkey, chicken, pork and beef at Lehman’s to add to long term preps for $159.99 each. Today’s listed price is only $5.00 more at $164.99 but there is no stock for you to buy. Just add to your wish list which won’t help with your hunger. We may need to start taking meat from freezers and pressure canning soon. Even with our whole house generator if the grid goes down we can’t keep our freezers powered long enough to use up all that chicken, turkey, beef and pork frozen before it goes bad. My only advice is pray…

2 years ago
Reply to  sawman

Over the last five years, I have put in a 1500w solar voltiac system with 30 deep cycle 6V batteries and a 3 KW sine wave inverter. I am running two medium freezers, one small and a large refrigerator and most of our lights. I have about 5K $ in the system.
It will run for about three days before the batteries drop below 70%. And I run the generator or back up charger. It is easy to start small and enlarge the system. Just be sure the wires from the panels to the batteries are 10X the rated current for the completed system, to reduce line losses, if you are running at 12V!

Big Country Expat
2 years ago

David: Well aware of the regional religious differences/divide, mayhaps I wasn’t clear, however, the Indians are extraordinarily upset with both our meddling and pressure being brought to bear on them, but also our interference with the Muslim Majority Pakistanis.
Increasing instability tends to make mutually nukular armed countries with a habit of fighting on the reg a might upset. on BOTH sides. Bad enough that we’ve been AGAIN treating them (both) as vassal states, but the possibility of a coup or -something- in Pakistan has got to infuriate them even further… Granted by getting the ultranationalist Khan out of the PM slot -may- have been (vis-a-vis the Indian POV) a good thing, as Sharif may be a moderate by their standards, the average “Haj on the Street” in Islamabad seemingly (by dint of the protests) leans in faaaar more towards Khan and his ultranationalist attitude and message.
Instability like that makes the Indians nervous, with good reason. Many thanks for the mention, and yeah, the language is harsh, however, I get to vent my spleen in a way that these days, one can’t say aloud unfortunately.

2 years ago

I have some of the same stuff, it is good!

I will add, that in addition to vitamins, there are essential fats we must have. The essentials are omega 6 and omega 3. We normally get 6 from veggie oils, they are good if not hydrogenated and we get 3 from flax or fish oils. One of the better 6s is from sunflower oil, most is from Russia! I am still getting it from Walmart. Tuna and salmon is are good sources of omega 3

olive oil is a 9 and a great food. As to butter, butter is better! God made butter, man made margarine, man made shortning, God made lard, which do you really want?

We need to get 30%- 40% of our calories from good fats and oils, so stock up! They won’t make you fat. Have you noticed, since the country has been on a lo fat craze for the last forty years or so, the nation has an obesity and diabeties problem?

A few things about oils, they are a food and are perishable, they don’t like, sun light, heat or oxygen! Finally when it comes to food, if God didn’t make it don’t eat it. The more food is modified by man from what God made for us the worse it is for us. The same is true for vitamins, they are not isolated drugs, but food complexes made by God to work together, so buy only food based vitamins. Nutricutels like CoQ 10 and others are ok, but talk to a DC or a Naturopath. About using them, there is a lot of junk out there.


Otis D
Otis D
2 years ago

You’re better off having a way to produce food or support those who do/can, in barter/trade.

And I’ve seen comments about not being able to get large freezers, well, you can can meat yourself safely with a pressure canner. you can also dehydrate and make jerky (with those little packets to keep moisture out).
Don’t know how? learn. quick.
The bird “flu” pandemic is easy to fake because almost every poultry producer is dependent upon commercial feed. Leave out a few additives, mess with the nutritional makeup and birds get sick, or look sickly. Instant euthanasia.
Producers that buy or grow corn to feed other livestock won’t be able to afford to.

2 years ago

We buy on sale and pressure can ours. We keep chicken, beef, pork and turkey. Energy is plentiful and “cheaper” now. It might not be in the near future (neither plentiful or cheap). Canning is not rocket science- the wife even managed to teach me how. I just ate beans we canned in 2016. Used bacon grease to re-fry them to make street tacos with shredded beef and onions cooked til soft and brown. Now ready for the nap…… BTW, make sure you use any liquid in the cans. They add flavor to rice or noodles or soups.