The Clock Continues to Tick

Image result for civil war 2 meme

Imagine for a moment that our newly elected President, Liehawatha Warren, and our new Vice President of Free Shit, Bernie Sanders, take office with a Democrat House and Senate.  Among their first orders of business are as follows:

  • a new wealth tax on assets
  • a new tax on meat and dairy
  • double the income tax rates
  • double gasoline taxes
  • totally open the borders
  • universal basic income for poor and immigrants
  • reparation payments for blacks, browns, and LGBTQs
  • criminalize all semiautomatic firearms
  • criminalize anonymity and “hate speech” 
  • nationalize the internet

It isn’t hard to see..

Neither is it too hard to imagine that the result would be Civil War 2 – Electric Boogaloo – Deplorables vs. Socialists.    

If the Boogaloo does kick off, I humbly suggest your first orders of business are to determine which side you are on, who is likely with you, and who is likely against you.   Here is a helpful checklist:

❏ Deplorables  ❏ Socialists     You?
❏ Deplorables  ❏ Socialists     Your family members?
❏ Deplorables  ❏ Socialists     Your neighbors?
❏ Deplorables  ❏ Socialists     Your schools?
❏ Deplorables  ❏ Socialists     Your church?
❏ Deplorables  ❏ Socialists     Your coworkers?
❏ Deplorables  ❏ Socialists     Your employer?
❏ Deplorables  ❏ Socialists     Your local police?
❏ Deplorables  ❏ Socialists     Your county sheriff?
❏ Deplorables  ❏ Socialists     Your state’s government?
❏ Deplorables  ❏ Socialists     Your state’s national guard?
❏ Deplorables  ❏ Socialists     The US military?
❏ Deplorables  ❏ Socialists     The Mexican government?
❏ Deplorables  ❏ Socialists     The Mexican people?
❏ Deplorables  ❏ Socialists     The Canadian government?
❏ Deplorables  ❏ Socialists     The Canadian people?
❏ Deplorables  ❏ Socialists     The British government?
❏ Deplorables  ❏ Socialists     The Russian government?
❏ Deplorables  ❏ Socialists     The Chinese government?
❏ Deplorables  ❏ Socialists     The United Nations?

The second order of business is to determine if you are going to choose to actively participate in the Boogaloo fun, or hope to remain a spectator.  This is really a two-part analysis.  The first is a risk-reward question, the second is a moral question. 


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