The Cold War Has Gone Hot – T.L. Davis

TLDavisAs most of you know, I have backed off from blogging as it is basically a tool for the establishment. My words are being collected and used as evidence as we speak. So, why don’t I just shut up? Because that is what they want me to do.

I am engaged in this fight. This is a war. Things are beyond discussion.

The Department of Homeland Security (yes, I know they search for that in every blog) or DHS (another Internet keyword they search) is an abomination. It is the child of George W Bush, the same person who decided that the only way to save the free market was to violate it, the one who decided that he would save the auto industry by bailing it out with our money, without asking us. It was as Barack Obama wished.

Get it? They are against you. They are not against your neighbors, or your friends, or your relatives. It is personal.


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