The Collapse Has Started

I saw this information on Zerohedge earlier but did not post it. My reasoning was straight forward: I assumed that sentient people already understood that the crunch is now upon us.

Should we classify people as sentient and non-sentient? If you are sentient, will receiving more economic information change your plans for the future? Gold is up over 8% in the past 30 days. The Nikkei Index lost 5.4% last night. The Dow is down 8.5% since January 1, 2016. Has this information changed your plans for the future? If you answered no (hopefully), I will pose another question: are your friends and relatives starting to think that you are not so crazy after all? Will you help them?

It is hard for people to accept reality. They want to believe in the happy ending where the white knight comes riding in on his steed to save the day. However, at some point the truth must be accepted and hard decisions must be made.

Some observations:

  • The governments and central banks are responsible for the worldwide economic collapse. Why did anyone expect them to be able to fix it? What is their incentive to fix it?
  • Gold and property are the only constants of wealth throughout history. Tyranny always steals both. Which can you hide? There is a reason that gold is currently leveraged at 542 paper ounces to each physical ounce of gold.
  • The media is not reporting essential information but that does not mean it will not impact your life:
    1. The triggers for WW III are ready to break in the Middle East (on several fronts), Ukraine and North Korea.
    2. Europe will undergo what is being called the Patriot Spring when the weather breaks and the Islamic invasion (enabled by their governments) is addressed by the people.
    3. Worldwide shipping has collapsed. There is a reason that gas is cheap and the shelves are poorly stocked.
    4. The murder of LaVoy Finicum will not go unpunished. Are you following the actions of the “government” against the four remaining patriots at Malheur?
  • There is a reason that the US government is enabling an open borders policy: they want a large crisis to initiate martial law.

If you are asking when the collapse will happen, you are not paying attention. The collapse is here.

David DeGerolamo

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Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Astute observations and thank you.

Tom Angle
9 years ago

Family is family and I will help them. They come first and everyone else, well I will do what I can do.

Let me rephrase this. Family is family as long as they are liberty minded. If they are part of the problem, I cannot help them. What they have done in they actions (voting and such) is an attack on my liberty and they can sleep in the bed they made.

9 years ago

Irreconcilable, intractable stupidity shall (again) soon have its day upon the earth; and dear God will it be ugly.

But for those who abide in the shelter of God’s will, it shall be an opportunity to step forth in immitation of Christ, to serve and to teach by doing, and to win by enduring suffering with patience, rather than by taking up murder and mayhem.

And our prayer shall be, “this too shall pass”, for as we are taught -- There shall not be left a stone upon a stone, that shall not be thrown down. …and… Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall not pass away. -- Mark 13

Victory shall not be defined by who ends up owning what; neither shall it be accomplished by who lives and who dies, according to the flesh; but the victory shall go unto them who refuse to be sepparated from God, rather adhering to every word by which we have been given Grace, and submitting to all that which He has ordained unto us.