I agree that the Bible allows for slavery. It also states to serve your master to the best of your ability. But I will not accept even the Bible’s justification for slavery. Slavery is evil. Period. The federal government has enslaved the people of the country through taxation or through entitlements. By extension, the federal government is evil.
The number of black people currently in prison is 920,000. The number of black slaves in the United States from the 1860 census was 3,950,528. So there were four times the number of slaves in 1860 as are in prison today (a clarification to Dr. Manning). This number does not include “ex-cons”. Slavery comes in many forms: imagine what happens when all slaves unite for their freedom?
David DeGerolamo
I believe slavery is actually the over taxed, employed people struggling to survive while being forced by our government to pay out billions in taxes to support the government and their luxurious lifestyles and schemes like welfare etc..President Trump is the exception.
I find the explanation for our current state of turmoil in the Bible. Among others in Genesis 11:8 So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 9 That is why it was called Babel[c]—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth, along with Acts 17:26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation.
Man was separated by the hand of Almighty God. Man’s attempts to force the different peoples, God created, together are wrought with strife and failure yet many, even among the faithful, fall for the communist ideology that somehow we should ignore the handiwork of God in favor of that which is godless. What folly.
Also, as most of us are aware Lincoln’s invasion have almost nothing to do with slavery. He was simply a greedy bastard who sought to rob and oppression. How can anything base upon such unholy motivations be anything but wrong?
Y’all have a nice day.
When we read the Old Testament, we are reading a translation. Someone, probably Wycliffe in the 1300s or Tyndale in the 1500s, chose the English word, “slavery” to translate the Hebrew Word.
That was unfortunate because what happened is this: Americans familiar with black slavery as practiced in the South read THAT definition of “slavery” back into the Bible and believed -- wrongly -- that the Bible approved slavery as practiced in the South.
But the Bible NEVER NEVER NEVER justified the permanent hereditary black slavery as practiced in the American South. American slavery was totally unbiblical and the Southern pastors who justified it by Scripture were dead wrong -- and probably made the linguistic error I described above.
There were 3 forms of servitude as practiced in the Bible:
1. As restitution for a crime. If someone steals a loaf of bread from a baker, the Bible requires him to make restitution to the baker. I forget the formula -- but the thief had to make restitution of 4 or 5 loaves to the baker as restitution.
Well, what if the thief doesn’t have the money to make the required restitution? The Bible required the thief to be the baker’s servant until the thief had worked off his debt.
And lo! Something wonderful happened as the thief was working off his debt: he learned a valuable trade -- baking.
(Yet humans think they are so much smarter, wiser, and kinder than God.)
2. Voluntary servitude: If we dealt with Reality instead of our precious feel good idiotic notions, we would accept the simple FACT that many people are not capable of, or do not wish to, maintain an independent existence. In short, they do not wish to take responsibility for their own lives. So God provides for them: Such persons may go to another person and say, “Let me be your servant, and I will work for you. Just give me room and board and protection and I will serve you.”
[There have been many days in my own life where I wished I could be someone’s upstairs parlor maid and be taken care of -- instead of having to fight in the trenches day in and day out, every day, year after year, decade after decade.]
3. War captives. But these were adopted into the Israelite culture when they wanted.
All 3 categories of servants were supposed to be provided by their masters with adequate housing, food, clothes, water, etc. They enjoyed the basic Rights which were denied to the hereditary slaves of the American South.
Types of Slavery Permitted by the Bible
The Mosaic law permitted some types of slavery. These include:
1. Voluntary servitude by the sons of Israel (indentured servants) Those who needed assistance, could not pay their debts, or needed protection from another were allowed under Biblical law to become indentured servants (see Ex. 21:2-6; Deut. 15:12-18). They were dependent on their master instead of the state. This was a way to aid the poor and give them an opportunity to get back on their feet. It was not to be a permanent subsidy. Many early settlers to America came as indentured servants. These servants were well treated and when released, given generous pay.
2. Voluntary permanent slaves If indentured servants so chose, they could remain a slave (Ex. 21:2-6; Deut.. 15:16-17). Their ear was pierced to indicate this permanent subjection. The law recognized that some people want the security of enslavement. Today, there are some people who would rather be dependent upon government to provide their needs (and with that provision accepting their commands) than do what is necessary to live free from its provision and direction. Some even act in a manner that puts them in jail, desiring the care and provision they get more than personal freedom.
3.Thief or criminal making restitution A thief who could not, or did not, make restitution was sold as a slave: “If a man steals . . . he shall surely make restitution; if he owns nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft” (Ex. 22:1,3). The servitude ceased when enough work was done to pay for the amount due in restitution.
4.Pagans could be permanent slaves Leviticus 25:44-46 states: As for your male and female slaves whom you may have – you may acquire male and female slaves from the pagan nations that are around you. Then, too, it is out of the sons of the sojourners who live as aliens among you that you may gain acquisition, and out of their families who are with you, whom they will have produced in your land; they also may become your possession. You may even bequeath them to your sons after you, to receive as a possession; you can use them as permanent slaves. But in respect to your countrymen [brother], the sons of Israel, you shall not rule with severity over one another. In the Sabbath year all Hebrew debtors/slaves were released from their debts.. This was not so for foreigners (Deut. 15:3). Theologian R.J. Rushdoony writes, “since unbelievers are by nature slaves, they could be held as life-long slaves” 1 without piercing the ear to indicate their voluntary servitude (Lev. 25:44-46). This passage in Leviticus says that pagans could be permanent slaves and could be bequeathed to the children of the Hebrews. However, there are Biblical laws concerning slaves that are given for their protection and eventual redemption. Slaves could become part of the covenant and part of the family, even receiving an inheritance. Under the new covenant, a way was made to set slaves free internally, which should then be following by external preparation enabling those who were slaves to live at liberty, being self-governed under God.
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someone who was is in debt is also a slave then and now
ohh and dont forget the millitary draft is a form of involuntary servitude
In the Bible there are also guidelines for masters.