The Consent of the People

We cannot serve two masters. Joe Biden is not the legal President of the country. This statement means that the electoral college has supported treason by certifying the 2020 fraudulent election. One President is loved by the people. The other president cannot come out in public and face the people. Why do you think the traitors are hiding behind armed troops in the Capital?

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago

“biden” (purposely spelled with contempt) should NEVER be called “president”, nor should “harris” (for the same reason) be referred to as “vice president”. They are FRAUDS, nothing more!
Trump is our RIGHTFUL President -- PERIOD!

Lisa M Andrews
Lisa M Andrews
4 years ago

Ya know I can’t call the white house anymore either … says office is closed on the comments line

tom finley
tom finley
4 years ago

vice president biden and the camala he rode in on are illegitimates.

Richard Schaum
Richard Schaum
4 years ago

Remember King George III was the Prince Elector of the united States of America and he gave that authority to his Sovereign and Free States in his 1783 Treaty of Peace… Nothing has changed except the ignorance of We the People.

Last edited 4 years ago by Richard Schaum
4 years ago

None of this “Trump is President” nonsense has any meaning unless, and Until, Trump Himself comes out and states it, which would in effect be a Declaration of (legal) Civil War, meaning two Factions disputing the Control of Government. The ‘kinetic’ side of that would be pretty simple, and can be summed up with “One side has all the Guns, the other side can’t figure out which Bathroom to use.”
Of Course, Trump is just another ‘swamp creature’, Owned and Controlled by the (((moneychangers))) so Nothing like this will happen. We are on our own, fighting a (((communist))) Enemy, that most people can’t even properly Identify, much less take the (uncomfortable) steps necessary to Fight Effectively.

4 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

Bubba say’s you are right I have been a DJT supporter from the beginning he says the right words I believe he did many good things. But in reality he failed us by letting them get away with it. One of Two things happened he was either prevented from doing the necessary things like the insurrection act. Or he did not have the will for what ever reason. I dug a little deeper this week and this might explain some of DJT’s thinking his Spiritual advisor who I am told is with in reach of the President at any time. Paula White Now I am not gong to assassinate her character she does that very well on her own people should Youtube it . Anyway I was shocked he if this is his spiritual discernment I put him in questionable company. We are going to have to do thison our own as for what ever reason he has put us in this spot. His bad judgement will place his legacy in with Nevil Chamberlin’s.

4 years ago

Calls for Trump to claim he is still POTUS are ignorant…..he CAN’T. The left would have his ass in prison the instant he made such a statement. They are looking for ANY reason to remove him from the public eye. The reality is NOBODY is coming to save us. If we want our freedom we are going to have to cowboy up, get off the couch and go hunting. There is no peaceful, civil, legal course left for us.