The Consequences of a Joke Felt Around the World

While Biden is not the legal President of the United States, the support of the Deep State, Congress and the Supreme Court continue to maintain the coup of the Republic and Constitution. While the above comedy from Italy shows Biden activating a nuclear attack, be aware that this may not be far from our future.

David DeGerolamo

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tom finley
tom finley
10 months ago

This is absolutely the best I have seen in a long time, It is not that far off the truth of our situation.

10 months ago

At least they aired it on Italian TV mocking the idiot as well as mocking his demon-rat party and the deep state he takes his orders from. But Dave is right, the deep state is in big trouble, and they know it, and I am afraid they will set off a tactical nuke in a small western city and murder just enough innocent people to retain their power. they will have the idiot in the white house declare martial law and blame it on the Russians and suspend elections indefinitely and rename the president as emperor in chief while having Michelle Obama (AKA-Micheal Robinson) in the background to take up the mantle of transgender in Chief of the new transgender sodomite nation, and the stars and stripes will be replaced with their hideous sodomite rainbow flag. Right after this scenario we all go to war.

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
10 months ago

Looks a lot like a Simpsons forecast of coming events.