The Consequences of Fear by the Deep State

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Proverbs 9:10

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.


The fear of the people is the foundation of freedom.

At one of our discussions this morning, my wife stated the above insight. The focus of the discussion was when the Deep State will assassinate Donald Trump.


The fear of the 2nd Amendment is the only reason Donald Trump has not already been assassinated.

There are two sides in the country but the stakes are global. Merkel, Macron and Trudeau know it. Soros knows it. The media knows it. The Deep State and its supporters have two choices: exposure (justice) or continued globalism (tyranny). Their only hope for victory is the death of the President. But there is the rub: would they survive the consequences of an armed populace? History tells them no. Desperation tells them they have no choice.


The Deep State is not protecting Hillary Clinton, they are protecting Barack Obama.

While Hillary Clinton’s crimes are legion, Barack Obama’s crimes are legend. If the people are able to handle the truth, I believe both would be found guilty of treason. Would the people accept the execution of traitors to be justice? Or would they give them a pass so that the country can heal? Do you feel that the divisions caused by the Deep State to expand their power can be healed?

So many questions and variables. The major weakness of the people supporting the Great Experiment is never discussed: if Donald Trump is dead, there is no one who would be able to replace him. And that may be the deciding factor for the Deep State’s next move.

David DeGerolamo

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6 years ago

I don’t see any other suggestions. However, my brother has been suggesting that a different approach be taken, given that the one in the article would be very difficult to digest for the “moderate’ public.

Try the treasonous ones. If convicted, strip them of all their wealth and use that to better support, LEGAL Americans that need help. Take away their Passport, send them to the first place they wish to go and be absolutely certain they (and the Public at Large) understand that should they return they would be executed. This makes it all their decision and if they choose to die we will do our part.

I would very much appreciate any critique of this approach so a better one might be devised, should that be useful.

Uncle Kenny
Uncle Kenny
6 years ago

It’s been nearly 10 years since Mike Vanderboegh first mentioned a solution to this problem. I won’t put a link here, but entering “Vanderboegh 100 heads” in your favorite search engine will still bring up the article.

6 years ago

history teaches us that ALL governments eventually become corrupt, and that ALL corrupt governments eventually fall.
I believe this government has run it’s course, has become corrupt beyond cleansing, and is approaching the collapse and fall.
I am of the opinion that it is far more useful to prepare for the fall and ensuing chaos and hard times than to try to make useless attempts to “fix” the problem.
the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over expecting different results.
since every conceivable form of government has been tried several times, by many different cultures and peoples, it is my opinion that the best form of government, after the fall, would be no government. power to the people, let all “government” truly be local government.

6 years ago

I don’t know where a government structured as ours, one by the people, has been tried. So, please enlighten me. The “weak” spot was that of “The People”. I believe that is a more “fixable” issue”, a fix from the bottom up, than that of trying to fix from the top down. We need to recognize where the problem eminates, then start to repair the problem. It is my opinion that we need to get back to “Community”. The “Divide and Conquer” approach has been a viable tool in the past and what we have been watching with the Political agenda between Reagan and Trump (and before, by the way), is such a tactical approach. Get to know our neighbors. Be more willing to participate, even when it doesn’t benefit ourselves directly. I do not believe in “Fairy Tales” but do believe Our Consitution is worth fighting for.