The Consequences of Ignorance: Obama on Iran

A less than stirring lecture by Obama while campaigning in 2008. However, four year later, America finds itself still trying to appease a nuclear armed Iran. If our “commander-in-chief” has led us to the precipice of nuclear destruction, I can only “hope” that our military is cognizant of the situation and will act accordingly when Israel acts.

David DeGerolamo

Iran has enough uranium for 5 bombs

Iran has significantly stepped up its output of low-enriched uranium and total production in the last five years would be enough for at least five nuclear weapons if refined much further, a U.S. security institute said.

The Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), a think-tank which tracks Iran’s nuclear program closely, based the analysis on data in the latest report by the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which was issued on Friday.

Progress in Iran’s nuclear activities is closely watched by the West and Israel as it could determine how long it could take Tehran to build atomic bombs, if it decided to do so. Iran denies any plan to and says its aims are entirely peaceful.

During talks in Baghdad this week, six world powers failed to convince Iran to scale back its uranium enrichment program. They will meet again in Moscow next month to try to defuse a decade-old standoff that has raised fears of a new war in the Middle East that could disrupt oil supplies.


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