The Consequences of Invasion

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Joe Blow
Joe Blow
11 months ago

People do NOT get it.
I’ll spell it out for the slow kids -- we’re going to have to hang the politicians while fighting off half the police force and military, all while shooting all the illegal invaders. Yes Virginia, thats millions and millions of dead brown bodies. Some will self deport to Canada after that point is reached.

If you want America back, all of it, whole and in one piece, thats what its going to take, at the national level.

Our best bet is to wall the cities off Snake Plisken style and shoot anything that tries to leave. We can realistically save the countryside but the cities are toast.

Eve of War
Eve of War
11 months ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Amen, and Amen to ALL your points.

kal kal
kal kal
11 months ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

When your borders are being crossed by foreign invaders is it not only prudent but our entitled right and duty to shoot those invaders?
How are any of them entitled to rights in this country, if not citizens of the country, and why would the laws of the country be applied to these invaders? I know my triple digit IQ is too low to comprehend matters of this magnitude but seems pretty simple to me.
Start cleaning the “houses” in Sodom on the Potomac and branch out to all the necessary other groups.

11 months ago

We will have a disaster in the making when we have no electricity or running water.

11 months ago
Reply to  Jane

We will be just like Ukraine, but therein lies the danger. The MSM, while still able, will turn the “cleansing” or “spin it” as a racial battle, which will turn it into Civil War 2.0. Then while fighting a war on 2 fronts, trying to tell the other side in the CW 2.0, we’re not fighting you but the illegal invasion, then steps in the Chinese Military. How? Might you ask. It’s not being put out by MSM right now (perhaps a small quip here or there), but many in the Globalist movement which also happen to be within our Federal and States’ congressional circles, are offering these “illegals” a quick path to US Citizenship if they “serve in our military”. The poor political and dissident refugees flooding our southern border (so we are told) are being funded by the likes of Soros’ groups for their travel to Mexico, 90% of which are military age males, criminals released from South American Prisons, and Chinese Foreign Nationals--and they are taught to hate us. Believe me, NO ONE leaves China alive-on their own accord, but only if Xi and his Generals give them a mission (which they hold their family as hostage should they resist). So put the “political refugees” out of your mind. The old school of thought still involved civil war (Sal Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”, Marx’s “Communist Manifesto”--divide and conquer), but it was then figured out the UN Blue Helmets would come in to restore order. The UN Blue Helmets are 90% Chinese anyway, but that plan was exposed. We are now witnessing “Plan B”, step 1; make our military undesirable for regular US Citizens, make vax’s mandatory, destroy morale, setting the stage for Step 2; Now offer the illegal’s the quick route to US citizenry. So let’s just put our best defense weapons in the hands of people who “hate us”. Yep, sounds like a Globalist/UN Agenda 2030/WEF Davos war gaming strategy to me. But just my opinion since the US has to be disarmed before a NWO/One World Government can move forward. Disarming the US will relegate us from a World Powerhouse down to just another cog in the UN’s Ten Divisions which O’Biden, Trudeau, and the Mexican President signed into Treaty in March 2023 called the DNA (Division of North America)--it too, made very small MSM news.

11 months ago

Can’t remember where I read it but there is only one place on the planet where the original inhabitants are still the only people living there. Supposedly, in a remote part of China the locals are the originals. Every other place on Earth changed populations over time. We took this place by conquest and sheer numbers. It’s ours to keep or lose. There is no guilt to be had in holding on to what your ancestors won. This land is mine and everyone that doesn’t look like me is an invader to be dealt with. I decide, not some corrupt politician. This will be adjudicated in the streets.

11 months ago

Just read this on what’s going on in Charlotte. The animals dog pigs Our governor allowed into our state are the worse of the worse and from Eritrea, Africa under orders from his comrade pals Obama/Obiden are rioting in charlotte, N.C., there are different factions of these animal Islamics fighting for the territory of Charlotte and they are looting, burning and rioting. Can you imagine they are rioting for territory that is not there’s and the winner will claim it. I believe we have arrived at this point now; May God help us. This will spread into the suburbs and fast. Prayerfully when the animals venture out into the burbs and rural areas, that is where they will meet their waterloo and fast. As for our Governor he takes the blame for all of this, and he should be impeached immediately. Everyone on this site better gear up for a very nasty war and make sure you have some form of night vision because you want to peg these filthy degenerate bastards in the dark and on your terms, don’t wait to be hunted, you become the hunter and you will be able to remove the threat. Very soon you will be your own law and don’t wait for first responders to show up because they will have their hands full in trying to keep the peace and some form of safety for the people, and it will be up to the Sheriff to begin the mobilization of at least 10.000 deputies from our county from people who have gun permits to do what must be done. use your training wisely and precisely to remove the scourge which will soon be upon all of us.

11 months ago

Come on everyone! WE know what needs to be done. Right! Don’t be afraid to admit it. The violence is getting closer all the time unchallenged. WE all see it and hear about it day after day and yet the third world continues unabated to turn our First world home into a third world shithole, unopposed, with the aid of the federal government. The time is here for US to take back and reestablish our Republic. WE need to stand tall and defend what is our WHITE heritage. The rule of law is gone now. As a Christian nation WE are guided by the Lord and our morals, that is the law and always was. WE have to fight for our heritage, our beliefs and fight against the pervasion that stretches’ from the White house to the public schools and into every nook and cranny of our society. The time is now. Examine your conscience and your beliefs and act accordingly. The life you save now may very well be your own.

kal kal
kal kal
11 months ago
Reply to  plankton

Was sort of hoping that being a patriotic American was the only qualification I needed to stand with the crowd. Being non-white and of different religion, American none the less.
My Godparents were white, and my godmother a proud daughter of the South, who’s grand uncle rode with Moseby’s Raiders.

11 months ago
Reply to  kal kal

A new name with a fancy message. We’re getting a lot of them lately. Me thinks the DC Blob also green and slimy like plankton is… is getting worried.

A message that divides us even more, curious.

If dear green blob floating in the water has such strong feelings, He, she it (whatever its preferred pronouns are) should GET BUSY and stop playing on the keyboard.

I’ll protect my good neighbors.

tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago
Reply to  kal kal

That is the only qualification Kal Kal.

11 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Good chance that those were Feds. Or their assets.

11 months ago

I am concerned about “skinsuit Patriots ” if you’re judging people by their skinsuit and frankly at 308 from the treeline how do you know their politics?

I have members of my MAG that served with me in the Sandbox that are not “white “. Indeed given my Cherokee Grandmother on one side late summer I don’t look “white “.

ID of friend and foe is going to be a problem.