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- General 'Buck' Turgidson on Who Was Censured?
- General 'Buck' Turgidson on Thom Tillis Is the Cancer
- General 'Buck' Turgidson on Thom Tillis Is the Cancer
- Sgt. Schulz on Choose Your Character
- thexrayboy on Who Was Censured?
Omg. A dark veil covers our nation.
Yes Jane, and it’s directed at Gods people. All of the illegal criminal aliens of military age that have crossed our borders are giving the go ahead by the demon in the white house and the bureaucracy then the sparks will really begin flying. I had listened to a Canadian General once state years ago when the U.S. gets taken down by the globalists using an external invading force our leaders allowed into the country illegally the external force was to take the spoils of the country by force and leave no one alive when doing it. I don’t recall the name of General, but you might be able to locate it on you tube and google. I won’t search it out because I don’t use you tube or google; they are both tools of Satan and the globalists for tracking all people.
Yea, turn in your guns the criminals are our last defense.
Four people standing around her, they knew she was to be shot. 5th guy walks up and shoots her in the head. Another day in the hood, no one saw anything.
Assuming the person shot was Black, another unimportant Black life taken away that did not matter.