The Consequences of Socialism When the Money Runs Out

The hope and change for a better life promised by Socialism always ends in tyranny. The road to serfdom across the world is starting to show the same cracks as seen in the days leading up to World War II. As hope changes to despair, people are seeing the folly of giving up their Liberty for “entitlements”. If people would understand their natural rights under God, they would not find themselves in a position of subjugation. Trading freedom and votes for sneakers and cell phones has consequences that the United States is now reaping. How grim this reaping will be depends on the morality and virtue of the people who are willing to stand up.

Based on past observations, our best hope will start on February 4th, 2013: the day after the Superbowl. At that point the president will have been inaugurated twice (January 20th and 21st) and gun control legislation will be passed.  In the meantime, America will pass the beer and chips.

David DeGerolamo

Two Spaniards Self-Immolate Due To Financial Problems

First it was a German, then an Italian, and now, two months, later, the European self-immolation wave has spread to the country that many expect will be the next one to follow Greece into effective debt default. El Pais reports that an impoverished 57-year-old man who set himself on fire in Málaga Thursday, and subsequently died of his injuries at Carlos Haya hospital. He had third-degree burns on 80 percent of his body and suffered a multi-organ failure. The victim, thought to be of Moroccan origin, had worked in construction for years but was out of a job now, said people who knew him. In the last few months he had been scraping a living with the small change he made guiding cars into parking spaces near the hospital, an illegal practice that is usually overlooked by authorities. The police, who have not yet located his relatives, are not ruling out the possibility of an accident just as the man was lighting up a cigarette. Just two minutes before the event, he bought a pack of cigarettes from a local newsstand whose owner asked him how he was doing.

“I don’t even have enough money for food,” he replied. The man is thought to have been homeless at the present time, and seemed even more depressed than on other occasions, said the stand owner.


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