The Constitution Is Dead: Long Live the King

The Supreme Court of the United States has put the final nail in the coffin for the Constitution. The justices declined to rule on whether the president’s health care legislation is legal under the Constitution. This one ruling would have ended the huge costs already burdening corporate America – not counting the hundreds of exceptions granted by the administration as favors. A Constitutional ruling on health care legislation now could have breathed a spark of fire back into the burning embers of our country. Instead, we now only have the ashes of the greatest experiment in history as the “judiciary” goes back into the safety of their sanctuary even though their hall of justice has already been destroyed by Eric Holder.

The Court could have granted an expedited review “upon a showing that the case is of such imperative public importance as to justify deviation from normal appellate practice” but declined. Instead they will burden the public with the additional costs of going through the appellate court system first. A Virginia court has already ruled that part of the legislation is unconstitutional in December 2010.

As we watch our freedom stolen by the executive and legislative branches, any faith is the judicial branch to save the Constitution is now eliminated. There is no constitutional basis for this legislation and they know it. The general welfare clause does not apply to this legislation as outlined by Federalist Paper 41. Interstate Commerce does not apply since we are not allowed to buy health insurance across state lines. Here is David Price’s comments on the issue when I asked him to justify his support for health care legislation:


So now you have to ask yourself: what would free men do?

David DeGerolamo

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Lynn Childs
13 years ago

Stand up and fight is what they should do! No one has the guts.

Odgred Weary
Odgred Weary
13 years ago


That is NOT what the Supremes ruled. They ruled that the lawsuit must be pursued in proper order up the appellate chain through the Circuit Courts of Appeal. They’ll get to it in due course. It’s called “Rule of Law,” you mucking foron.

John Nail
John Nail
13 years ago

“My point is that the Supreme Court could have ruled not on what is an unconstitutional law that will cost US corporations at least $54 billion before it is effective ($18 billion per year x 3). The estimated loss of jobs due to this legislation is 800,000. ”

These numbers come from where? They are total fiction…as is your post.

The court is following the law and always moves slowly.


[…] article concerning the end of the Constitution seems to be causing some controversy. Although I have […]