The Constitution Is Irrelevant Because Our Framers Could Not Envision Today’s World

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The government and people responsible for enslaving our children in debt have many common talking points. One of the most prevalent is the attack on our Constitution and its relevancy today since our framers could not envision the problems that the nation would have to face 226 years in the future. Let’s look at some of our framers’ and one early president’s views on debt and banks:

“Think what you do when you run in debt; you give to another power over your liberty.”

Benjamin Franklin

“I, however, place economy among the first and most important republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared.”

Thomas Jefferson

“Some of the evils which arise from this system of paper press with peculiar hardship upon the class of society least able to bear it. A portion of this currency frequently becomes depreciated or worthless, and all of it is easily counterfeited in such a manner as to require peculiar skill and much experience to distinguish the counterfeit from the genuine note. These frauds are most generally perpetrated in the smaller notes, which are used in the daily transactions of ordinary business, and the losses occasioned by them are commonly thrown upon the laboring classes of society, whose situation and pursuits put it out of their power to guard themselves from these impositions, and whose daily wages are necessary for their subsistence.”

Andrew Jackson

Slavery or involuntary servitude is the result of either subjugation by conquest or succumbing to the bondage of debt.

5000 Year Leap

Our founding fathers were giving us the benefit of their wisdom. Our current “leaders” are giving themselves the benefit of our labor. This will not end well.

David DeGerolamo

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11 years ago

Yesterday March 23, 2013 was the 239 year aniversary of Patric Henery’s wonderful famous speach in which he said, “I know not what course other men may take but as for me Give me Liberty or give me death”.
As far as I am concerned I too will take liberty over death. The constitution and the Bill of Rights still being very relevent today gives us this guarantee of freedom which so many died to protect and defend. To say that the Constiyution is not relevent today because times have changed means that we are to live under tyrany. The continual increase in the countries indebteness and loss of liberties has placed our children in prison. To have a congress and president that continue to increase our debt without a proper budget is traitorous.
While we have a president whose theme for election was hope and change I know now it is time for a real change. I hope it is not too late for our country to change back into the government invisioned by our fore fathers.