The Contemptible Leading the Inept

Watching the current administration in America is like watching an incompetent bombmaker on his first foray into the craft. The sweating, desperate attempts at diplomacy, knowing deep down that they don’t have the knowledge or temperament to pull it off. The braggadocio they used to get the job cannot be reconciled with their inadequacy for it. The Larry, Moe and Curly administration they’ve put together is more of a Caligula’s Horse insult than an attempt to run the Executive Branch. And yet, we’re all at their mercy to some degree until they step on their own trip wire and blow themselves up. The question is: will they blow us up first?

During previous assessments of the possibility of a World War III, I was a skeptic. What administration would be so careless, so stupid, so reckless as to risk a nuclear exchange over anything less than an outright threat to the homeland or the population? Granted, if a NATO-affiliated nation were to run afoul of either China or Russia, the risk would go up, but any effective, intelligent Secretary of State would be able to skillfully defuse the crisis. The only question would be the cost of the mitigation in either treasure or prestige.

That’s not true now. Whatever dark figures like Soros or Schwab are truly running the Ukrainian operation, they seem to be doing so with the intended purpose of causing a nuclear exchange between Russia and the US. They don’t care. They have, by any number of other actions like the open borders, the tranny drag shows, the criminally derelict elections, demonstrated their contempt for the American people and they use these things to humiliate us. They really just want to destroy the West, or at least Western-style governments. They prefer, it seems, dictatorships and totalitarianism and if the American people won’t play along, they will use any means available to dispirit or punish them.

The question that comes back to me, and therefore is being put to you, is why are we letting these criminally evil people pursue their obviously insane objectives? I mean, commenting on it isn’t doing anything about it. Recognizing it should be the only requirement of someone outside the system to alert those inside the system to take action against it. I mean, it is directed primarily at them in their positions of power more than at us. Unless we have no agents inside the system and if that’s true, have we not already lost? If we have lost, should we not act like it and pull out all the stops to rebel against that loss, that coup, that overthrow? But I don’t see anyone of any stature calling for such actions. They all still believe, or are loath to disbelieve that there’s a political solution. There is none, not with the level of corruption and disregard for our laws and rights they have already demonstrated.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

It would be great if DC got nuked! Why aren’t we doing anything? 90% of the people are under the spell of the propaganda machine. We already live in a digital gulag. The monster has to kill itself. And then the opportunity arrives to destroy what’s left and begin the next chapter. Whatever that may be. Everyone needs to quit hating themselves over this. The monster is big and deadly. And he sees everything. And he keeps a record of it in your algorithm at the NSA. World events may give us an opportunity soon. The idiots are going to take on Russia and China at the same time. Not to mention North Korea, Iran, and Syria.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The WEF lead man is right out of a james bond movie, and the illegal regime that once was a constitutional republic is all in on their plans for humanity.. The DOD has killed more americans than any of our supposed enemy’s, they seem to be taking orders from the high command the CCP. Death by a thousand cuts is what they have in store for us.

2 years ago

People are praying. That’s one thing people are doing.

2 years ago

A True Nazi and son of the devil Thru and Thru and, really evil at one at that.

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil
2 years ago

This Luci Scum is coming for our Children…looking for sex slaves, adrenochrome and child sacrifices to their gods Lucifer, Baal and Moloch. This elite group of Pedos coined the phrase “sex before 8 or its too late”. Public Hangings are too good for this scum!
