The Core of the Problem: People Want to Believe

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Tom Kocal
Tom Kocal
6 years ago

As a newspaperman for 45 years, I know that information comes from many sources, and many angles. I believe you are irresponsible by disregarding and maligning a potential source such as Q-Anon. I have found a few “cryptic messages” to be quite troubling. But in the end, they have pointed to the truth. One must be able to think critically, and pay attention to the details. Today’s political scene is very much like a puzzle, and one must be able to look at the big picture before placing one tiny piece in the right place. Disregard nothing. Keep an open mind and ask more questions before marginalizing a potential source of valuable information, albeit cryptic in nature. Real journalists seek the truth. Don’t turn away from that pursuit. If you make an attempt to learn how to read the writing on the wall, your horizons will expand exponentially.

6 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

nicely stated.