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Folks, I’ve been hesitant to admit to myself things are as bad as they appear to be. I am sure I resonate with many here when I say I don’t WANT TO BELIEVE IT. I WANT THERE TO BE A DIFFERENT ANSWER.
Loading mags and ordering more today. You better be, too.
Listen to this guy… Listen to it. If you are not vomiting, there’s something wrong with you.
Tinvowoot Joe Blow, we are going to have to vote from the tree line.
How many others got the same call and took the money?
If Kari Lake had taken the money, then she would have been blackmailed from here to eternity. I believe many politicians have taken the bait. I believe this is why every branch and level of our government is corrupt.
The GOP is digging a hole so deep that they will never be able to crawl out.
That is how our government works. Millions of dollars to carry their water. Assassination is on her schedule.
This sounds so scripted. I’m surprised the battle hymn of the republic doesn’t start playing each time she speaks. bet forensic guys would rip this audio a part. No preference on this woman either way just stating an observation. Bribery? Factions of the alt media are being conscripted to serve in the battle of narratives. Thus is war and greed. Propaganda against the American people is legal for some reason. Smith-Mundt.
How will the citizenry clean government? There are thousands of bureaucrats in government positions obedient to the overthrow of America.
I’m in AZ and yes I’ve seen this state slowly slip away since about the mid 90’s. But my question is…why did she wait so long? Why?!?!?
Cannot trust any of the politicians, been fooled one to many times. If we want to restore freedom and liberty it will be up to us. TINVOWOOT, rule 308 will have to come into play.
Is she the one who released it, or was it someone else? The Daily Mail doesn’t reveal their source but simply says, “An audio recording obtained by …”.
I forgot to mention that The Daily Mail doesn’t reveal their source but simply says, “An audio recording obtained by …”.
Apparently she sat on the tape since last March. An associate of hers (a radio personality) encouraged her to release it. She was fine with concealing the traitors in the Republican party until now.
Sebastian Gorka inspired her to release the tape.
I believe she has been in a battle with the rinos in her state since her loss in the governors run due to rampant voter fraud , and in and out of the corrupted courts in trying to seek justice.
So then why is he still kicking?
This, is The Machine.
This is Gov’t.
Glad this audio is out there. Proof! Pray for Kari who won’t play their game. Hope this Jeff guy gets what’s coming!