The Country Will Not Recognize a Usurper

The National Guard turned their back to the Biden motorcade as it went to the Capitol for the inauguration. I cannot imagine Joe Biden having any event where regular people would have access to attend. Then again, that is only one of the prices to be paid when you usurp power from the people.

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago

A security detail that only looks in one direction is a poor detail. They were looking AWAY from the motorcade because that is the direction any threats would come from. As for being recognized….the commie left simply DOES NOT CARE if the populace recognizes them legitimate or not. All they care about is that we DO WHAT THEY TELL US TO DO. Tyrants and dictators never worry about the opinions on their slaves.

4 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I am very interested to know that and to know if this was really the Presidents motorcade. Only if someone knew someone in that unit.

4 years ago

So would they stand down if Article I section 8 clause 15 were to be played out?