The Coverup Begins

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CTR Wolfman
CTR Wolfman
3 months ago

Here’s a thought: The trump incident was truly a set up. But who benefits? For now, some would say the orange man benefits especially since he survived. However, was the trump incident a set up for a future event to be blamed on right wing vengeance, i.e. “something happens to biden,” then Kamala is prez, declares martial law, suspends elections for “2 weeks,” but they never happen. Asking for a friend.

3 months ago
Reply to  CTR Wolfman

I’ve been saying that is the plan. FF and it’s blamed on the “maga” conservatives. Then all the liberal asshats virtue signal and feel righteous in condemning the 2nd Amendment and other freedoms. The communist government will be more than happy to oblige them. Every neighbor will spy on and turn you in because now they have “proof” that you are a menace to society and they were right all along. Not that elections matter, but they will incorporate that in as well.

Sir Wm
Sir Wm
3 months ago

Obviously a FF… never Teust my Government no matter who is in Charge!

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
3 months ago

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kal kal
kal kal
3 months ago

cover-up for a planned assassination, that got botched. Commie Mayorkas stepping in to show you nothing to see here, keep moving along. It’s like proof positive of a conspiracy on their end.