Foreign countries, in particular China and India, are not only not buying any new US Treasuries, but unloading the Treasuries they already have. With the BRICS purposefully moving away from the USD for their trade, it’s only a matter of time until our mountain of debt crashes down in an epic avalanche upon the unsuspecting American public. The writing is on the wall, and if you refuse to read it, you will be shocked and devastated when you see your supposed paper wealth evaporate.

Now you know why Biden and his handlers are attempting to provoke wars across the globe against those countries who they realize are engineering the demise of the USD as the basis for world domination and control. We have evil men ruling our nation and they would rather burn it all to the ground than lose their wealth, power and control.


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1 year ago

I place this here because of the Sun Tzu qoute.
enoughs enough.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago
Reply to  Reader

They believe what the talking heads on the picture box tell them. Even when they contradict themselves.

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago

in the microsoft internet feed, yesterday, an article appeared stating that both Russia and India are ceasing European trade in dollars. Went back to look for it and it had vanished.

1 year ago

Dont stop prepping. Food, ammo, med supplies, train, get in shape, get out of the blue hive. Pray.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

Folks that don’t understand or follow this stuff too closely do NOT understand.
Weimer Germany, Zimbabwe, all happened because of whats already taken place in the US. A global war is the only way out, thats why they are doing it. The term ‘inevitable’ should be in your vocabulary.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
1 year ago

Love Sun Tzu. Evil man- well we got him and his