I had decided to take a break from writing in March so I could focus on family, but recent events have dictated otherwise. Herewith is a short piece on the Crocus City Hall “event.” I think there is not much introduction needed about what happened at the venue. But for those who have been living in a cave for the past several days… An unknown number (4?) of gunmen (terrorists) assaulted the Crocus City Hall in Russia and killed, with small firearms and arson, between 100 and 200 civilians, including a lot of children.
How could this happen? Who is responsible? What are the implications? I will give my opinion about what happened, and let you draw your own conclusions. My description is a possible scenario, although reality might be different.
First, The West claims that ISIS did it. Did ISIS do it? Yes, I think ISIS did it. Does that mean that ISIS is the only one to blame? That the West and Ukraine have nothing to do with it? I think quite the opposite, and I will explain briefly but still in some detail. But first… Who is ISIS?
Victoria Nuland has left the scene for a good reason, her cia counterparts will probable disappear as well, I have no doubt they will be found and dealt with. The ISIS front men controlled by the intel agency’s will rue the day they hatched this attack I am sure.
Bidens CIA, State dept., NSA are totally out of control running around the world linking arms up with every Communist dictatorship they can find to cut money laundering deals on our tax dollars. The Russian mall fiasco reeks of a CIA and State Dept. operation gone bad, they do the same in the U.S. staging shootings and all sorts of nefarious wicked and evil deeds as well as murdering large groups of Amercian people, like the Vegas shootings. No one in this communist thug run bureaucracy has yet been brought to justice by any of our leaders in both parties for their heinous crimes, maybe when Trump gets elected, he can close the entire bureaucracy down and send to prison every commie pig who works for that stinking anti-American organization. The American people are sick of them, the FBI, ATF, DHS, Fema and the DOJ, we have had it, they all need to be totally defunded and the s-bags who run these corrupted Anti American Marxist agencies sent to prison for 100 years.
Trump ain’t going to do anything. He still believes in the “rule of law” and in the legacy American institutions.
The problem is that the legacy American institutions have been hi-jacked by Marxists and have been weaponized against the Marxist’s enemies. I think Trump is either too stupid to realize this or he is a puppet on a string.
The court system co-opted by the marxists is using lawfare against him and he dutifully plays along…..
No, Trump ain’t the savior.
I believe you’re correct. Trump will do nothing. Even if he wanted to, the slots are all filled with enemies, as you maintain. The other problem that many refuse to address is that he loves and supports the Zionists. The moment I see a public official support Zionism, I recognize them as an enemy of America, not the United States, America. The United States is the evil empire, the Great Satin. I used to think the Iranians were nuts calling the US the great Satan. Now I agree. America, on the other hand, is the folk. Those of us who love our families and neighbors and our land.
ISIS is a US invention. Years ago, Activist Post had a video of a
US helicopter dropping weapons and food to ISIS.
This is going to get real ugly. Real quick. Multiple sources are reporting that uniformed troops from France, Poland and Germany have arrived in Ukraine south of Kiev. This is insane.