The Daily Situational Awareness

I posted an exercise yesterday to gauge people’s ability to analyze information into intelligence. As I said in that article, intelligence drives the battlefield. Based on the comments, I strongly recommend purchasing this package from Forward Observer. This intelligence will help you make valuable decisions and eliminate a deficit that appears to be one of our weakness points in facing the future.

David DeGerolamo


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2 years ago

The Scriptures teach us where we are going and what we need to do, and where the world will wind up very shortly. In the meantime, we need to keep spreading Gods word to a lost and dying world. along with this we need to be as wise as Wolves and meek as lambs. we also need to prepare and keep our families and friends safe from the onslaught of Satan and his minions who are wreaking havoc on our world because he knows he has a short time left before he his thrown into the lake of fire.
Follow the scriptures and we can never go wrong. There is no greater love then for a man to give up his life in defense of a friend, in Gods eyes.

Last edited 2 years ago by Philip
Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Philip


Charley Waite
Charley Waite
2 years ago

I tried it for a month and was underwhelmed. I could get most of it from my own sources (this site being one of them). I also didn’t like how they didn’t publish intel round ups on Saturday or Sunday. I get it you have people working seven days then but a couple of them could cover a weekend rotating. The world doesn’t take weekends off.
That said I don’t have an axe to grind against them. Just not for me and my $10