The Deep State Has Already Won (for Now)

Civil War 2: American Boogaloo - YouTube

I read the following article today (Rising Star Cyclist Suspended By US Team For One Word ‘Pro-Trump’ Tweet) and realized that this Republic is just a dead man walking. We have no free speech, freedom of assembly (unless it supports the Deep State’s riots), freedom of religion or representation in the government.

Our social media score will dictate our lives in the future as the cyclist found out, it is dictating our livelihoods today. Imagine the outcry where supporting the sitting President of the United States would get you fired if the President were a Democrat.


  1. Joe Biden was caught wearing a wire to coach him during the debate and there were no repercussions.
  2. The President is accused of slandering the military with no proof. Joe Biden calls the stupid bastards on tape and denies that he said it. No repercussions.
  3. No charges will be filed against anyone in the Deep State before the election. Almost four years into the Trump administration and not one person has been held accountable for their documented crimes. The only possible conclusion is that the Deep State has already seized power.
  4. The Senate Democrats will not even meet with a Supreme Court nominee prior to her confirmation. They need to regain control of the Supreme Court by postponing her nomination and then stacking the court with new judges.
  5. The media has already poisoned the election results as being manipulated by Trump. The voter fraud associated with their mail-in ballot campaign is being suppressed.

November 3, 2020 is not only the date of the election, it is also the date for the death of the Republic. While we may not acknowledge it, we know that the days of the government based on Liberty are already over. While many think the civil war has already started, I would like to propose that it will go hot when parts of the government ignore the directives of the executive branch on a larger scale. We already see this happening with the mandate to not teach critical race theory.

Time for good news? We know that the government will fall after the election. It may be November but December seems to be the nexus on their agenda. The good news is that the evil in our country will be exposed and people will act. I know that most people do not want to believe this. These birth pangs will eventually make us stronger and our future will be brighter after the evil is defeated. But the road back to freedom will have a high cost in blood and treasure

For now, get out of the cities before they burn down. Buy food, read the Bible and edify your family relationships.

David DeGerolamo

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Dr. Lon Schultz
Dr. Lon Schultz
4 years ago

Only one solution here, I am sad to say!

4 years ago

Someone said, “All it takes for Evil Men to take over is for Good Men to do Nothing”, and this is what has happened here- the ‘deep state’ (a polite ‘cover’ for the [[[bolsheviks]]] ) has taken control of the Bureaucracy by a process of Century-long Infiltration, and now Controls most Elected Officials by Blackmail (mostly involving child molestation, a.k.a ‘Underage Prostitutes).

The Majority of people are Asleep, trying as much as possible to Avoid their natural Responsibility to Protect their Natural Rights. Most of them are also Too Ignorant, or Lazy, to take the Time to educate themselves about simple stuff like how wearing a Fabric Mask to stop a Virus s equivalent to thinking a Chain-Link Fence stops the ‘Skeeters.

The {{{enemies}}} of the Republic are counting on the Sheeple remaining Unaware of how they are being Herded, and they are only ‘safe’ as long as enough Producers keep Working so that the Parasite Class can feed off of them.

Remember, ‘government’ cannot function without Electricity….