The Digital Gulag: Why Team Tyranny Won’t Need Door-Kickers to Enforce the Coming Gun Bans

by Matt Bracken

There is currently a lot of attention being paid to new Democrat-proposed gun control laws, particularly House Bill 127, which would require national registration and licensing of all firearms, would ban broad categories of semi-automatic weapons, ban most ammunition magazines, and so on. One of the most frequent replies to these proposed laws is that there are not enough local or federal SWAT Team door-kickers to go house to house on gun confiscation raids, and if they tried, they would 1. soon run out of door-kickers and 2. instigate Civil War Two.

But in the modern digital era, I believe that Team Tyranny won’t have to do much door-to-door gun confiscation. I think that a few show-piece gun confiscation raids using overwhelming force at 4AM (that are designed for network TV audiences) will be sufficient. Instead, they’ll just send citizens a notice by text, email and registered snail-mail that they already know what newly-illegal guns they possess. This list will be based on AI programs scraping and data-mining your social media history, credit card purchases, and all past FFL sales records, which surely will be collected as part of the new law.

All of this information will be knitted together much the way that the IRS does business. I borrowed this paradigm from “Old Curmudgeon” on a Free Republic thread:
“Have you noticed how the IRS manages to enforce the tax laws? Every taxable transaction is documented by multiple parties so that one party’s failure to report will be revealed by the another party’s paperwork. Then the person who violated the tax law is made an example of, a horrible example, causing reasonable people to be very afraid of the IRS. They will use a similar method to end gun ownership.”

And don’t think for a minute that they won’t get all the gun sales records, once they pass their “Emergency Measures To Prevent Domestic Terrorism Act.”

So how will they plan to separate you from your now-illegal guns? You’ll be notified that next Thursday at 9AM is your designated time to appear at a certain address, perhaps your local police station, or perhaps a big-box store parking lot, with said newly-illegal firearms and ammo magazines. Current Covid vaccine distribution gives them a model for this new system. Instead of going to get a Covid shot, you’ll be going to turn in the newly banned guns on the list.


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Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
3 years ago

Got one to say…”have at it.”

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
3 years ago

I say let these historic federal fuckups prove they can pull this off. If they’re this sophisticated how is it they only solve 18% of all homicides. Today’s FBI looks like a gerbil humping a ripe cantaloupe. Meanwhile, door kicking goes both ways. I wouldn’t push it if I were them.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton

Gun grabbing is the line in the sand. I hope there are enough patriots to stand up in their communities.

3 years ago

The solution to showing up to “turn in your guns” is simple. It will take courage and guts but it’s simple. At the appointed time and place you give them your guns…..bullets first. Whether they kick in your door at 4 AM and kill you….after suffering a coup!e of casualties or you go to them, inflict some casualties and then die isn’t important. What IS important is that EVERY patriot takes at least one of no more of “them” soon to judgement day. But the key is the left and their need thugs MUST suffer casualties. If they feel no pain, suffer no losses they WILL NOT QUIT.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago

Christians. ? Thats a scary thought. Half of those guys think homosexuality is ok. So if they are our hope were done already. And 90 percent of my fellow Hebrews are traitors. So gentlemen our friends are few. So know who yours are Now not later.

3 years ago

It is said only 3% of Colonials took up arms against King George III. Those Colonials were British citizens. They were actually traitors to the Crown. They were not considered Patriots in 1775. Just as the usurpers in fedgov despise today’s American citizens, Patriots !

Traditional Americans, Patriots are in a terrible fix ! What forthcoming event will be our 21st Century Lexington Green and Concord Bridge ?

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  DAN III

I don’t know what it will be. The event that is. There is such a massive amount of psychological fuel heaped up on the subjects of this empire eventually the fuel starts to burn. And the cultural war goes hot. The Fedgov knows this they are snooping everywhere, this in my opinion is why they are so paranoid about the situation right now. Sorry I cant be more help .I’d like to be able to say when and where but I just don’t have the information.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago

Few trusted friends indeed, best to meet w/ small groups for fellowship in homes or private settings not tied to org. churches. FEMA response teams have recruited pastors in mainline churches to escort the sheeple in their church to FEMA camps. These 501’s are apostate and controlled by gov. what to preach on.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago

That is correct! I know pastors who are nothing but stooges

3 years ago

I will agree with Matt -- up to a point. While I expect that ‘bureaucratic harassment’ will Certainly be a Tool used by the cowardly tyrants, and a certain number of weak-willed individuals may Submit, just like mass Door-Kicking, this type of program would be a Clear Signal to many people that it’s “Game On”.
Gun Collection Points? Good Ambush locations, no matter how many thugpigs there are.. or the More the Better.
Letters demanding an individual “Turn in their Guns or Else”? I’ll bet that Letter will have the Name of some bureaucrat on it. Sucks to be Them.
Cancel People’s Drivers Licenses? Gotta have Checkpoints to make that Work. More Ambush Sites. Pull over an Individual who knows He has been ‘targeted’? Who then Backs Up and Rams the Pigmobile, jumps out and does a Mag Dump on the thugpig, stunned by the Airbag?
“No Need for Door-Kickers”? A recipient of such a Letter spends a Week or so rigging multiple Ambush Equipments at home, and then starts Firing into the Air, prompting neighbors to “Call 911” and here come the thugpigs… Flame Fougasse anyone? Improvised “Things that go Boom”? Crossfire on the Front of the (empty) House?
It always Devolves into Kinetic Action, and the Numbers do not work for the Tyrants.

Matt (not Bracken)
Matt (not Bracken)
3 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

Bingo. MB poo poo’d the idea of the individual retaliating but what he’s missing is how quickly the entire govt. system can be brought down by enough individuals a acting in uncoordinated fashion. In addition to playing “This little piggy went straight to Hell”, target the bureaucrats, judges, and even the lowly govt. office clerks. Simple assassination would probably be enough, but amp it up and add in an exponent called fear factor with some gruesome examples. It won’t take long before the gears grind to a halt because nobody is willing to go to their govt. job.
Remember, govt. is just an institution that is made up of people. It’s not magic. It’s not omnipotent.
And read Unintended Consequences by John Ross.

3 years ago

I almost hate to suggest it because of the way he tends to shitpost like minded people who are on his side, but Aesop at RaconteurReport actually has a good response to this. He describes several ways to game their system and muck up the works. Go read for yourself, it’s short and entertaining. Link: A note on discussing these types of tactics, such as his turn off the water to certain buildings at 3am and filling the box with concrete: I have found it’s one of the fastest ways to get attention and cause others to scream “don’t say things like that in public or online.” Obviously, it’s a ticklish spot. 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by Matt
3 years ago
Reply to  Matt

I didn’t keep the Article, but a Year or two ago, I saw someone who ‘did the Math’ for thugpig attrition in “Gun Raids”. Starting with a typical, large Suburban po-Lice force with 100 “Swat Team” piggies, presuming that every third Raid results in a Casualty (not necessarily fatal) and the number of Raids that can be conducted before there are only enough thugpigs for six to Rush the next Door is insignificant.
Again, Matt Bracken is right in pointing out the many ways that the bureaucracy can Harass those so ‘connected’ to the existing ‘Order’, but like a lot of the Doomsayers, he doesn’t seem to think about those who ‘think outside the Box’ and won’t be “Law Abiding” when shit gets Real. Or the very real Impact of even just a few “Chris Dorners” going pig-hunting.

3 years ago

Just like with Obama and his attempts to get around the 2nd Amendment, Biden and the Dems will help local gun shops to sell more guns and ammo than anything Trump and the NRA could do in years. If Biden wants to start a war with the God-fearing, Bible-loving, gun-toting Citizens, then this kind of thing is a good start. There are not enough military, national guard, and police to disarm Americans.

3 years ago

Remember how a man named Chris Dorner brought So Cal to it’s knees for a week. Imagine how much chaos a hundred Dorners could cause. That is at the moment he best most effective method of resistance and direct action at the moment.