I haven’t watched Football in years now. I quit way back when they were kneeling and BLM promoting. But I couldn’t avoid the news of a young guy having a heart attack on the field. If you folks believe that a young 24 year old had a heart attack from getting hit, I don’t know what to tell you.
How’s that “vaccine” working out for you?
I pray the guy recovers. Pure Evil what has been done to people. Athletes don’t collapse and die suddenly.
The guy made a poor choice and sacrificed his life for an unproven “vaccine” so that he could play a game. I really have very little sympathy for the people that took the jab. Most did it for selfish reasons. Most just didn’t have the backbone to stand up to the constant pressure.
But most wished us who refused to take it DEAD!!! They wanted us locked up. They didn’t want us to be able to provide for our families. They wanted us DEAD because we dared to stand strong in our beliefs and not fall for the governments bullshit!
So many people now regret their decision. So many are asking for our forgiveness over how they treated us. There will be no forgiveness. There will be no amnesty.
I know people who are literally afraid to even exercise now because they are afraid that it will kill them since they are jabbed. They get the sniffles, they think, well is it my time? It’s sad what has been done. But they were WARNED!
They mocked us. They hated us. They wanted us DEAD!
Everyone dies. When it’s my time it’s my time. But I don’t have to live in fear like these poisoned folks.
I feel sorry for the jabbed. But my sorrow only goes so far. I will never forget.
There is much death yet to come. A few of my loved ones are jabbed. I dread what is coming. But don’t forget what these people had to say about you when you refused to fall for the propaganda!
Sooner or later people are going to have to talk about it. Most people don’t want to discuss it because they took the jab themselves and are wondering when their time is coming.
It is coming.
I regret to inform you medical people if you recommended ‘the shots’ and boosters or adimnistered them to patients -- again I regret to inform you you are murderers!
They should be one of the first to be punished. They knew.
Yes. Filing letters of grievance over being coerced in particular, and in general with having to take them at all -- the PCR Covid-19 nasal swab tests, antigen tests and others are imperative. This aspect of a complaint and of consideration of one’s symptoms should not be overlooked whether one was Covid-19 injected or not. These tests should be illegal, especially by now, such as with CDC Director Walensky and others admitting that the Covid-19 virus was not at any time isolated by the tests there or any PCR tests anywhere else, such as at hospitals, medical clinics, pharmacies, etc. Further the CDC has been engaged in gene sequencing (selling the DNA information from these tests) to vaccine companies, etc. Additionally, there’s proof they contribute to and cause sterility in men and women, poison breast milk, and kill those in the womb, or shortly after being born by exposure. Older persons are also sickened or dying from transmission shedding or something similar.
Mas murder, every last one of them including doctors and nurses, need to be held accountable for their crimes. Never forget or forgive them, they all did it knowingly.
These people had massive hard ons telling us we should be murdered, denied healthcare and jobs, celebrated suicides, screamed at us in public and begged for us to be put into camps.
As far as I’m concerned, you get what you deserve and I’ll be dancing on their graves.
Hamlin was an intentional distraction from this: The JP Morgan Epstein Coverup: A HUGE Scandal as Virgin Islands AG is Sacked
As for impacts causing cardiac arrest. Area of impact was extremely high, AND had a two layers of professional shoulder pads to reduce the effects of impact.
Unlike a baseball hitting a kid, or a fighter throwing a punch, which have a relatively small impact zone.
Printed text on drag’n drop
I guess no one will read this it is way too long -- I guess it is my personal therapy.
As harsh as this article is -- I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING SAID -- 100%.
They mocked us. They hated us. They wanted us DEAD! I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT. --
They are the sad ones, the ones that will most surely be dead in the next couple of years or very very incapacitated. I will remain silent, I will not taunt back -- they are getting what they deserve their unwillinnless to listen and research themselves. I started researching how to boost my immune systerm in the Spring of 2020. And had begun my protocol then before May 2020. I wear a personal air purifier when I am in public not that I really believe I need it, I have an air purifier on in my house 24/7 since the Spring of 2020. I have learned about several other protocols I use if I feel I am getting under the weather, along with my vitamins and herbs and other daily immune boosting supplements -no I will not tell you what I am taking I am not a medical person and I do not prescribe anything to anyone! I WOULD ENCOURAGE YOU DO YOUR RESEARCH LIKE I DID!
QUITE HONESTLY -- I have been very surprised at how much humanity is like sheep -- as the Bible declares. Almost all my “Christian” friends from the past 50 are sheep followers of the secular world -- I am stunned! REALLY I AM!
Why did I decide to research? It is simple -- decades ago I remember hearing that they could not come up with a vaccine for the common cold -BECAUSE IT WAS A VIRUS! I am susceptible to respiratory diseases colds and flus and SINUS INFECTIONS. I knew I NEEDED TO DO SOMETHING TO PROTECT MYSELF. -- BY THE WAY SINCE ALL THIS STARTED AND I HAVE BEEN TAKING MY IMMUNE BOOSTING SUPPLEMENTS -- I HAVE NOT EVEN HAD A COLD OR ANYTHING. IF I FEEL SOMETHING IS COMING ON ME -- I ADD MY OTHER PROTOCOLS TO AVOID GETTING SICK. One high school friend of about 65 yrs ghosted me in the fall of 2020 because I dared to say you really need to pray about taking the shot (we thought there would be only one shot -- when I said that to her) I have not heard from her for over 2 yrs, I did call and leave a message when I knew she would be gone to church on the other coast. She has never called, if she does call I will deny I know who she is! At least I fantasize about saying that to her. She won’t call obviously after 2 yrs.
It would appear that the world is undergoing judgment of God, we have to just go with the flow of His judgment. Be as prepared as possible and do whatever He puts in front of us to do. I am latter 70s so what He wants is very different than it would have been 20 yrs ago!
You might like this. It has some TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) remedies.
“Medicinal Herbs for Viruses (What China & India Recommended During the P@ndemic) Ep. -- 143”
I have watched a lot of football and play some and never saw anyone have a heart attack from a hit. Saw people knocked out, I have no memories of some parts of games and practices, but never a heart attack from a hit.
Oh, I remember. If they want forgiveness, they need to confess all their sins and then pay the penalty for what they have done. They will not skate in my mind for wanting to murder me and mine and steal everything that I own. I know what God’s punishment for murder is and I know what his punishment for theft is and I am good with that.
Our time and death has already been determined by God. If we are to die standing up against evil, so be it. Just stand up and speak out. Then more that do is the better chance that we can gwt those fools to go after the fools that pushed and gave them the shot. Let them eat their selves, then it will be less for us to handle.
To heck with the big, woke NFL anyway. The league turned its back on traditional American values and conservative Americans years ago. I haven’t watched the big, woke NFL for years and I can imagine no course of events that would change my course regarding the big, woke NFL. Meanwhile, the med-i-cull industrial complex parades its dancing nurses and doctors on self-shot vids as they kill their fellows. To heck with them too. They have all turned their backs on their fellow humans. To heck with all of them.
Everything you needed to know about this fake-ass Covid fiasco was there from day one.
I always thought DIAL EMERGENCY 9-1-1 was the largest Mass Psychosis PsyOp perpetrated on Boobus AmeriKanus. Then along comes the Mass Covid Psychosis PsyOp.
In both cases, they had Boobus on their knees pissing their panties. They had Boobus in total fear. Total horror. Hysterics. Even the very people who now claim to be anti Covid vax experts were crapping their pants… while STILL pushing the “Covid”.
In the first 2 years, I never once heard anyone say, “Oh, I have the flu.” For 2 years all I heard was, “OMG! I have the Covid!”
They literally had Boobus believing… The Covid is everywhere. The Covid is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see Covid when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel Covid when you go to work… when you go to church… when you pay your taxes.
They had you believing one, or both, of 2 things. The “Covid is so bad-ass, it took over the flu, kicked its ass, and eradicated it, and/or, your face diapering was effective in eliminating the flu, but not the bad-ass “Covid”. No one see’s the mind-game.
Every institution without exception has failed to provide or cite even 1 record describing purification of the alleged virus from even 1 patient sample.
Anyone remember when they were diagnosing the “Covid” by “symptoms”? Anyone remember when they created the PCR Test to diagnose the “Covid”? Of all the “Covid” cases, how many people were diagnosed with the “Covid” by blood draw and isolation/purification and… Look! There’s the Covid! No one.
It’s funny. I have a screen-shot right from the FDA website admitting, that “during the early months“ of the “Covid”, they didn’t have one sample, one specimen of the “Covid”. H-I-T-F is that possible when you supposedly had THOUSANDS of sick and dying of the “Covid” “during the early months”, from which you could have drawn blood, isolated and purified the “Covid”, and had BILLIONS of samples and specimens? I show this to people, and most people are too stupid to even bat an eye. They just can not wrap a single brain cell around it. All they know is, the “Covid” is real, the tele-tunnel-vision-people told them so… and they know it’s real, because they had the “Covid”, not the flu, the flu disappeared, the “Covid”.
Every single symptom of the “Covid” can be found in every single symptoms of the minor, moderate, and severe influenza. It’s just odd that several years ago I had the severe influenza. It almost ended me. In fact, I had it so bad, for a couple of days, I wanted to die. And I had all the symptoms of the “Covid”… er, severe influenza.
Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false.
Your Natural DNA does not create pathogens. Your natural DNA does not create viruses. Your natural DNA does not create “spike proteins”. Something artificial has to be introduced into your natural DNA to instruct it to build/create it. That would be an artificial lab created mRNA which is coded and instructs your DNA to do so. This is Terraforming. This is altering your natural DNA to perform an action that it was never DESIGNED to do naturally.
I remember back in mid 2020 that I said that this “vaccine” would not be a one time injection. That it is the foundation, the cornerstone, of every shot thereafter. That if you took this “vaccine”, you would be like GMO Corn. You will look like Corn on the outside, but on the inside, you will be altered Corn, genetically modified Corn. No longer Mother Natures Corn. Not Corn as God created it.
And I got laughed at. Ridiculed.Called a kook. Who is laughing now? I have ZERO sympathy for you. Every time one of you drops, it is nothing more than an expectation from me.
It was always there. 3 years of gish gallop. 3 years of incessant flip-flopping. 3 years of evolving science. 3 years bloviating BS sprinkled with sparklies. 3 years of fear mongering. 3 years of visual BS. 3 years of pushing a “vaccine”. Frikkin DANCING NURSES! And no one sat down their coffee and said…
This is all a Circus Act. A scripted horror story. Designed for one thing. To alter your God Created Natural DNA by a “vaccine” that by all traditional and scientific literature is not a vaccine. It is Terraforming. Creating something into other than as it was created.
Were the giants of old destroyed because they were tall, or because they were genetically corrupted? Remember when they told you the “vaccines” would be mandated and if you didn’t take the Devil’s Majick Juice, you would lose your job? Having no job is shades of what? Not able to buy and sell… unless you have the Mark.
These injections are two-fold. Kill off many, while the survivors will no longer be as God created them… genetically modified. Either way, you are either dead physically, or spiritually dead.
I don’t know if there is any hope for the genetically modified. All I know, is that God eventually destroyed the genetically altered Nephilim, Rephaim, Anakim… it was not possible for them to have salvation.
The genetically modified are going to play a big part in your future. And there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth… directed at those in Christ.
For this is a people without discernment; therefore he who made them will not have compassion on them; he who formed them will show them no favor.
Sad, but not foreseen.
Let the dead bury their dead.
[…] The Elephant In The Room. Sooner Or Later People Are Going To Have To Talk About It. […]
Stepan Oelrich is the head of pharmacy operations for Bayer Pharmaceutical Company. In October 2021 he addressed the World Health Summit in Berlin. He said, what we’re putting in patients arms is an experimental cell and gene therapy. We tell them it’s a vaccine so they line up and get it. And he’s not the only person of authority to say such things.
EVERY doctor who was for or administered should be jailed for first degree murder…as doctors they knew it was death and if not they were incompetent…both reasons to take their lincence and the 4 to 6 billion walkind dead are reason enough to start a death sentence trial forall those involved…100000000 people probably and all the rich
“EVERY doctor who was for or administered should be jailed for first degree murder…as doctors they knew it was death and if not they were incompetent…both reasons to take their license”.
Yes, there’s no way to respect a medical institution that governs only from the top-down, and is incapable of thinking for themselves. Order takers and followers had a bad result for Germany, as it will here. Any reforms should include psychological assessment in determining independent thought versus only following orders and authority, and their propensity to act outside of established policies and protocol. Trials are also needed. They won’t change course, but will only be more adhering to direction from the top, as well as internal policies (which are something to be cautious of as well) with the next pandemic.
We fight spiritual principalities. Due to Suppression of Truth (Romans 1:18) many took the Jab without knowledge, or faith in the wrong entity. Don’t be heartless, but have compassion -- They knew Not what they did. Be angry at those who forced it upon the world.
These hospitals, medical clinics, pharmacies, veterans hospitals, and so many other institutions know what the Covid-19 vaccinations are doing to people and the economy. They’ve experienced the effects on themselves, family members, friends and coworkers, and yet, keep touting and administering them. One motive is money. Another is political outcomes and leveraging. Changing the genetic makeup of persons has now been made known as a goal of administering these injections. Praying is but one aspect of stopping it.
“They ‘all’ did it knowingly!” “They are ‘all’ murders!”
Is that right, and beyond a shadow of a doubt?
Yes and ‘all’ who took it are suicide victims?
This is the lynch mob mentality.
Shedding etc. Fear? What shall we do with them? What shall we do against the tainted ones to protect we the purebloods? Shall we revisit some of your the crazy ass thoughts and responses on those threads?