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- Randolph Scott on Thom Tillis – Too Little, Too Late
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- Balanced Rock on Armed Checkpoints in Ohio
- Balanced Rock on Armed Checkpoints in Ohio
- Jolie1 on Thom Tillis – Too Little, Too Late
Brilliant Analysis! Love his Scottish accent!
The people became the problem when they failed to govern, and gave in effect all economic, social, political, and religious power to the government. Going back to ‘normal’ would be more bizarre than things are now. Normal was putrid. Who wants that anyway, and why would they? These oppressive strands of control must be reckoned with, such as working without the according ability to earn decent wages, expected unpaid overtime, and the withholding of due benefits, while instead, the wealthy are enriched by this labor. This is systemic, purposeful, and is quietly intolerable for now, as what it’s doing, and by design is building up an overtaking force into all aspects of the public and personal life of Americans; subjugation, and yet, people still tout capitalism as a go-to for this country (even among some of those at the the lower earning levels). It’s astounding that the national decline is going on routinely, and along with it, is that as the quality of living conditions decline, less and less people seem to be willing to fight for this country in any capacity; they’re largely uninterested (whereas in other countries it would be the opposite). This is perhaps entropy setting in, which speaks to other issues that either will be dealt with such as the purposeful dumbing-down of much of the populace, and lack of life skill-sets, or otherwise, sayonara, to the states and much of the territory as it is currently understood.