Our entire way of life can be ended in a single day. And it wouldn’t even take a nuclear war to do it. All it would take for a rogue nation or terror organization to bring us to our knees is the explosion of a couple well-placed nuclear devices high up in our atmosphere. The resulting electromagnetic pulses would fry electronics from coast to coast. Of course this could also be accomplished without any attack. Scientists tell us that massive solar storms have hit our planet before, and that it is inevitable that there will be more in the future. As you will read about below, the most recent example of this was “the Carrington Event” in 1859. If a similar burst from the sun hit us today, experts tell us that life in America could suddenly resemble life in the 1800s, and the economic damage caused could potentially be in the trillions of dollars. This is one of the greatest potential threats that we are facing as a nation, and yet Barack Obama has essentially done nothing to get us prepared.
The technology necessary to conduct such an electromagnetic pulse attack against the United States has become much more accessible in recent years. According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, even rogue nations such as North Korea and Iran either already have or will soon have the capability to hurt us in this way…
Rogue nations such as North Korea (and possibly Iran) will soon match Russia and China and have the primary ingredients for an EMP attack: simple ballistic missiles such as Scuds that could be launched from a freighter near our shores; space-launch vehicles able to loft low-earth-orbit satellites; and simple low-yield nuclear weapons that can generate gamma rays and fireballs.
It is not without gravitas that I contemplate the unthinkable -- that we might actually be better off, should such an event come to pass -- the grip of globalism would be utterly shattered by such an act, as would the SOMA pump of the mass media machine, and the Fudderal Gubermint’s hand-outs and dictates.
Granted, the cost of such liberation would be appallingly high in terms of lost lives, and in the privation of those who would survive; but with the work of sustaining ourselves and our communities firmly before us, and in the absence of iGadgetry and 230 channels of satellite-plumbed filth delivered 24/7 into our homes, it is my belief that most would awake to the realization that they were indeed blessed by such an event… in time.
Would 40 years passing through the desert really be so bad, if we were indeed going through it to restore the nation our founders believed in and gave their lives for? Because God does not give a people gifts, which they are not prepared to receive…
What would happen to the nuclear power plants if a CME or EMP was to hit America? Do they have a manual or protected shutdown? To just kill all power would create a melt down, would it not?