The End Is Very Close Now, And Most Americans Have Already Submitted To Their Fate!

“Governments don’t want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the statehouses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.”
~ George Carlin

While loyalty to self and truth is not slavery, allegiance to any country, government, or ruling class is slavery. Inherent in this thinking is the fact that believing or trusting any ruling individual or entity without absolute verification at every level, is the basis for societal destruction at the hands of the few due to blind obedience to falsely claimed authority. Lies and deceit are the tools of tyrants and come in the forms of outright deception to manipulative propaganda. These traits are always evident, but today they are completely overt, as lies and truth are both used in devious ways in order to gain compliance and control.

This can be seen in that a non-existent virus pandemic has been used to instill great fear in the unsuspecting minds of the masses to such an extent, that most have been willing to give up all normalcy and sanity in their lives and the lives of their families. They have due to false trust been duped into behavior that can only be described as psychotic in nature. This has led to voluntary self-imprisonment, isolation, business and job destruction, mask-wearing, travel immobilization, and total lockdowns. It has led to greater sickness, death, and economic devastation as well, all in the name of ‘health security and obedience to power at the expense of all freedom. This should serve as the final valuable lesson learned by even the most common of men because it should be obvious that relying on the state in any capacity whatsoever can only lead to an enslaved society dependent on a master class for its very existence and survival. This of course is what is sought; a communistic based technocratic ‘civilization’ controlled by the few.

Is this country facing the end of time? Are the people in this country oblivious to any reality or truth, or are they simply consumed by ignorance, passivity, cowardice, and mediocrity? Will this onslaught of tyranny by the controlling class and the politicians continue unabated, or will enough wake up in time to stand against the total decimation of their lives, their property, their freedom, and their land? What could possibly motivate the masses to voluntarily accept their own servitude, a servitude that can only lead to their imminent demise? 

Even the most simplistic life forms on this planet possess the basic instinct of self-defense, so why is it that the supposed most intelligent of all living beings can be controlled and brutalized to the point of extinction, without lifting a finger to protect their own interests? Today in America, the people are drowning in a pool of their own blood, while their chosen masters are feasting on the remains.

There is very little time left to change this course we are on today, as this plot toward the great reset of the world is close at hand. In the past when liberty has been threatened, some fought back and won, but most sat back and waited, hoping others would come to their rescue, and save them from themselves. Every time threats have come and gone, there was less freedom and much more control. Each and every tyrannical event brought an assault against liberty that remained long after any so-called ‘return to normal’ was expected.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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2 years ago

That’s the longstanding problem with patriots, conservatives and Christians. Those vested in financial interests aligned themselves with the ruling classes (thinking they would manage and be successful..having their capitalist rights uninfringed). The nationalists or Christian nationalists, comprising a good portion of the business class positioned themselves with the ideology of the moneyed classes, thinking that by latching on to their coattails (agreeing to their national, educational and financial policies), that economic success and longevity was ensured, rather than in working to establish magnanimity throughout and in creating a functional commerce across the landscape, thereby positioning themselves as an artificial nobility of sorts who are now also at risk of losing their material and financial wealth. In hitching their wagons to the wrong spectrum of geopolitics, it is now largely left to their ranks to directly confront and on many levels fight the adversary, as they have perhaps more to lose in terms of land and accumulated wealth. It’s how they chose to position themselves.

2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

“The two paths to Masonic Jewish (Illuminati) world government seem to be Communism/globalism (George Soros, Obama etc.) on the Left and
Zionism/nationalism (Netanyahu, Trump) on the Right. There are no conservative nationalist parties that are anti-Zionist.”

“3 billionaire families dominate financing of the USA Republican party:
-- Jewish casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson & his wife Miriam
-- Billionaire brothers Charles & David Koch
-- Jewish hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer & his daughter Rebekah”

“A pattern reminiscent of pre-war Germany has emerged in the US and Europe.
There is an intensifying conflict between Left” (globalism) and “Right,” (nationalism) which are each backed by a Masonic Jewish faction, Communism, and Zionism. In fact, these two are one.”

“Trump is a Freemason and probably a crypto Jew. He is surrounded by Jews. The Masonic Jewish (Illuminati) goal is the reduction of the human race (goyim) to the status of domestic animals serving them. We see this emergent pattern in the gross disparities of wealth in today’s world.”

“Illuminati advance this agenda through mind control (mass media, education) and war. They can’t subjugate humanity alone; they need the goyim to destroy each other.”

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

Bravo! Henry Makow has a tremendous site.

2 years ago

There is no recovery. We are fundamentally destroyed… “if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do?”
There will be no patriotic uprising of the population in general, because that generation capable of love of Country and independent thought is now getting gray and has no actual leadership and no ability to be communicated with privately and directed with coordination.
There is only what the capable and willing can manage to do for themselves and their fellow man at this point. There is only the leading of the Holy Spirit if one is a child of God.
Generations of boys brought up on estrogen-laced chicken and meat -- growing breasts and losing what it is to be masculine… being endlessly hazed in media and a feminist world, being vaccinated 30-40 times before age 12 and having permanently impacted immune systems… endless hours of media and school indoctrination extolling group think and never independent thought and love of Country or a Savior…
You provide a service to those of us grieving for the loss of our Nation, and needing exhortation to face it and what is coming.

2 years ago
Reply to  KIME

Simple and eloquent. Objectively well written and with clarity most can’t seem to grasp. It’s time.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
2 years ago

Mr. Carlin saw thru the government scam and tyranny at least 14 years ago.

Just think for a moment, we have all sat around and let the communist bastards take this country away from us and have done nothing. I include myself in the do nothing crowd.

2 years ago

I tend to think judgment must come -- because sadly judgment is the one thimk most people wake up for. Whatever youy need to do Lord!

2 years ago

It is nice to suppose we could rise up and take back what is ours -- the freedom to be ourselves. But that only exists within those who have committed themselves to the Lord God Almighty and His Christ. It is not something we can regain from the world of men. We either have it or we don’t. Lot, in the land of S & G could do no more than implore the men of the city to take his daughters rather than the angels. We are the equivalent, numerically, of Lot within the city of the world. By such odds it is apparent that great calamity is necessary to rid Earth of its evil. What might we, in small groups, hope to accomplish in that regard? Nothing short of total cleansing will do. That means all out war against all mankind. Leave one bad apple and you have accomplished nothing. That is why the Lord told the Israelites to decimate the cities and take nothing for booty. I have no problem with total destruction. But then, I’m not God. Before you think it is possible to get to the big players, you might consider all the pawns in between through whom you will have to wade. Even underground/guerrillas suffer heavy losses with less than optimum results. But, that is just part of the game. It might be said that such tactics were successful in the past. But that is because overwhelming force was not applied as in WWII. Anything we contemplate today in the hope of recovering our country will be met with maximum resistance. And, because they want us dead anyway, they will have no qualms. That means we are on our own to fight and die alone or to survive until such time as our good fortune runs out. Those who have the Lord in their hearts will die without fear. And, yes, I will not go peacefully without a fight to the death.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

Is this correct? Central bank US, Japan, England, European Central Bank, each to implement cbdc no later than Q2, 23? I know the fed. finalized the atomic pay system. Something Catastrophic is at our door……

2 years ago

A driver was stuck in a traffic jam on the highway outside Washington, DC;

Nothing was moving.

Suddenly, a man knocks on the window.

The driver rolls down the window and asks, “What’s going on?”

“Terrorists have kidnapped the entire US Congress, and they’re asking for a $100 million dollar ransom. Otherwise, they are going to douse them all in gasoline and set them on fire. We are going from car to car, collecting donations.”

“How much is everyone giving, on an average?” the driver asks.

The man replies, “Roughly a gallon…”

Merry Christmas !!!