The End of the Dollar

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1 month ago

What do you get when you mix mind-boggling arrogance with utter incompetence and a total absence of historical perspective?
You get the Federal Reserve, the U. S. Treasury Dept and the Federal Government--not one of whom could be trusted to make change at a McDonalds drive-thru.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
1 month ago

These countries are ditching the dollar because it is essentially trash money and a ponzi-system. The US government has used the dollar system as a weapon over the last 60 or so years--nothing denominated in dollars is safe from sanctions or outright confiscation. Our entire military is currently and was designed post-war to enforce this ponzi-system with force if necessary. Sooooo…. this BRICS systems now evolving will be immune from the manipulations and whims of the US government. And now with the outright debasement of the currency (inflation) this BRICS system will come into fruition faster--and it’s going to be gold backed currency system, not some ponzi-box-top chits (actually a belief system) that we currently have in the US dollar. Wrap you heads around this please as we only have ourselves to blame for this.

Bigus Macus
Bigus Macus
1 month ago

It’s all downhill from here. In all of our lifetimes our country when from the world’s strongest and richest nation and now we are a fast decline to the bottom.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
1 month ago

If the announcement is made in October to officially ditch the dollar, it will cause the greatest financial crisis in U.S. history. This would occur just in time to justify the cancellation of the November election because of the economic chaos.

Just some of my idle speculation.

1 month ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

At that inflection point only tangible assets will save individuals & their families.

If you cannot grasp it, use it, eat it, etc. then you will be making do without it.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
1 month ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

Folks, think of everything that you buy/need that is produced, wholly or in part, overseas. If the dollar is “ditched”, you will not be able to afford them.

1 month ago

The BRICS decision is not a surprise. It was their goal from the start, years ago. Saudi Arabia has already agreed to let nations buy their oil in any currency, not just dollars. Many nations have already ditched the US dollar as the world reserve currency. They trade in their own currencies now. So, the US is no longer the Petro dollar. And very soon it will no longer be the reserve currency. What does this mean? Probably world war. And the Globalist government in DC loses. We have drained our military of weapons reserves because of Ukraine and Israel. We inflicted DEI on the military. Biden has drained the strategic petroleum reserve. We have no wartime reserves of oil. No food storage for the country. No civil defense. What possibly could go wrong? Oh, and our standard of living will collapse. With millions of invaders roaming our streets. Zombie apocalypse, anyone?

1 month ago
Reply to  Nobody

They will always find a way to have civil defense to murder Christians and Conservatives, that dirty money they will always find. but in the end the patriots will kill each and every one of these traitors from the top of government to the very bottom. when the killing begins it must begin in Marthas vineyard and Delaware.

Elder Son
1 month ago

You don’t have to like it. And you can USA! USA! USA! gyrating your loins in adulation until your lungs collapse. But here it is.

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BTW… we created the Modern China.

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Our enemy has always been us.