Arizona Trump Supporter Knocks Out Protester in Tucson
The protests that are being unleashed at the Trump rallies by the left will be discussed and dissected at length by “talking heads”. What you need to understand is that the country has been successfully divided into two competing classes. It does not matter what appellation you use but I prefer the looters and producers. Let us hope that the country’s transformation will be a positive one from its ashes.
David DeGerolamo
it’s a false flag… trump supporter knocks out white protester….o.k…that’s believable….then just stands there waiting for the police…with his hands behind his back…..i call B.S….
more red meat for the left wing media
This schism cannot be bridged via a political process; it can only be forded by blood and lots of it.
It’s going to be winner-take-all.
Their corrupt ideology has become idolatry -- and it shall be judged. Their own logic shall be turned against them, and their hatred shall be their undoing. And I shall not weep, when these things come to pass -- why should I, when their portion is given at their own demand? What they call “justice” will consume them entirely, and that which they worship shall have their souls in great numbers, for that is Justice.