The End of the Petrodollar


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Joe Belding
Joe Belding
2 years ago

Well, if I were color blind, this would just appear as a benign, map of the world. Unfortunately, I am not color blind, so the future does not look good for the countries shown in yellow. So, as a ticked off, septuagenarian knows, stolen elections have consequences !!! LGB !!!

forgotten word.jpg
2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Belding

In Afrikaans “Kak” is the word for sh*t.

2 years ago

Boy ain’t this gonna be fun.


The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
2 years ago

The promotion of a gold backed currency in Russia is what they hate the most. The attempt to develop gold based currencies in Libya and Iraq got both Gaddafi and Hussein whacked, might not be so easy to take down Russia (and China because they will be the next to do so with a gold backed yuan). The ghost of Nixon coming back to haunt us. That and the fact that US elites sold all the Ft. Knox gold ages ago.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

ummmm I hear echos of Keystone Pipeline….

2 years ago

Curiously, the “yellow” countries were settled in the main by Jacob’s sons, referred to in Scripture as the Isaac’s sons as in the Sak suni, or Sacae or eventually, the Saxons. Russia and eastern Europe were settled by the Edomites, the sons of Esau. Go figure. What you get when western civilization is overrun and taken captive by a Khabal of Khazar Khommunists-the Kenites. Its beginning to look alot like end-times, every where you go…

2 years ago
Reply to  Endtimesmedic

Good article, and I appreciate the differentiation between Biblical Israelites and modern day jews. They are not the same. Not by a long shot.

2 years ago

All of them are third-world countries. What me worry, mate? If we remove our current commies in Washington and replace them with conservatives nothing can touch US.

2 years ago
Reply to  Leethal

Exactly. Africa… well enough said, CA…so what, with the exception of the BIC’S and a few stans, whats to worry about

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
2 years ago

Anyone believing the ruble or yuan could replace the petro dollar doesn’t know how the system works. Neither Russia or China have established a bond market connection to oil. Oil is purchased with bonds based on current accepted currency not merely currency. The new reset currency, however, could replace the dollar as we know it. Stand by. Hold onto your butts.

Elder Son
2 years ago

The “West” can not be saved. Its moral rot goes too deep. The only way to save it, is to put to the fire all the moral rot. All of it. No quarter. And then rebuild on the ashes. It is the only way.

2 years ago

the petrodollar, briefly and unintelligably the basics of the petro-dollar were formulated during nixon presidency to include Kissinger. There are more names but they were the heavyweights.
Back in those days the US was the worlds banker. But back then we propped up the dollar with “gold”.
It goes like this, somebody eventually said “hey US, you have more dollars circulating that exceeds your Gold. oh ohhhhh. True.
So US said we have the solution, make the dollar stronger by agreeing to use it as the monomoney to buy oil…
All agreed, reluctantly but agreed. So here we are…
Now historically, anyone, anywhere who attempted to undermine the petrodollar monomoney system were destroyed by political uprising-instabolity and or destroyed by war/conflict/ or whatever you call it….
OK today, here is our problem, the petrodollar problem.
The petrodollar competition has been studying and cataloging every move for the past 70 years…
the competion knows 100% that to rid the petrodollar it must be done “very quickly” As in 2 months not 2 years..
So the competition waited for the opportune time and place strategically to pounce on the petrodollar…
So as you see how Ukraine was the opportune time…
Now as mentioned before the only way to eliminate the petrodollar competion
is by political change or war and or both. In the current, i believe the only way to eliminste this new/novel petrodollar is by war…
This quagmire could have been avoided with strong leadership, savy politics, and planning…
But we are no where near that….
so we either go to war or start producing our own resources and become self reliant.. in many ways