The Epitome of Stupid

Adam Schiff has sent me an email (addressed to Buttf_ck Billy soliciting money to limit Trump to one term). His premise concerning Trump’s actions concerning the construction of the southern border wall as unconstitutional is not true. If something is not addressed in the Constitution, that omission does not make it unconstitutional. What does make Trump’s actions legal is the power vested to him by Congress to allocate funding for the wall.

The question concerning Schiff (and many other “leaders”) is whether their constituents are stupid for continuing to vote for morons or whether voter fraud is so prevalent that voting is not longer a viable option for popular elections. Maybe both of these options are true.

No one has ever maintained that Adam Schiff is smart but he is a demonstrable liar.

David DeGerolamo


Last month Donald Trump declared a national emergency to bypass Congress, to build a border wall we don’t need, and to address a crisis that doesn’t exist, by claiming an authority he simply doesn’t have.

If that sounds like nonsense, it’s because it is. It’s also plainly unconstitutional.

Trump has steamrolled the will of the American people and the Congress. The majority of Americans don’t want a border wall, but this president keeps doubling down on bigotry and xenophobia. The only way we can truly put an end to Trump’s corrupt, dangerous presidency is to win more seats nationwide and elect a Democratic president in 2020.

Tomorrow at midnight marks a critical fundraising deadline for our party. What the Democratic Party is able to raise before then will determine if the DNC will have the resources to help our eventual presidential nominee beat Trump and his Republican allies — they actually have a fund to help kick Trump and his cronies out of office (the One-Term President Fund!). That’s why I’m asking you:

Will you donate $3 to the One-Term President Fund before tomorrow’s critical end-of-quarter deadline? Every penny will go directly towards building out the party infrastructure required to defeat Trump and the GOP in 2020.

DONATE: $100
Or donate another amount.

Our powerful grassroots team came together to win back the House last November, but our toughest and most crucial fight — taking on Donald Trump — is still on our immediate horizon. Our party needs to ramp up our efforts right now if we hope to build the party infrastructure necessary to win the White House and finally put a stop to this erratic, dangerous presidency.

The DNC is the only official party organization tasked with helping our eventual nominee, whoever he or she may be, defeat Trump and restore sanity and dignity to the Oval Office. Hitting our party’s end-of-quarter goal before tomorrow at midnight is critical if Democrats hope to stay on track to win the White House and seats nationwide, so your support before tomorrow’s end-of-quarter deadline has never been more important to our fight.

Contribute $3 to the One-Term President Fund before tomorrow at midnight to help defeat Trump next year and win seats nationwide. Victory won’t be possible without the early support of grassroots supporters like you.

Thank you for standing with Democrats,


Adam Schiff
Member of Congress, CA-28

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