The Evolution of War

See additional comments on Tea Party Nation.

The end result in a war is the looting of the losing country or countries resources. In earlier history, the people would be enslaved, relocated and/or killed as part of the plunder. As we matured into a more sentient world, the winners in the conflict found that making the conquered nations pay reparations is a better and more profitable method to enslave the losers. Debt in any form is slavery. Germany learned this lesson after World War I and the world realized the consequences of the Treaty of Versailles in World War II. Have we now “evolved” so that the step of physical “war” can be bypassed when enslaving a nation? Here is a quote from a woman in Greece (see additional documentation at the end of this article):

“They don’t want to kill us but keep us down on our knees so we can keep paying them indefinitely.”

At the other end of the spectrum is a quote from Louka Katseli (a member of the Greek Parliament):

“This is the first time ever that a European and probably an O.E.C.D. state abdicates its rights of immunity over all its assets to its lenders.”

Under the terms of the second bailout developed early Tuesday morning which has not been approved by the members of the European Union at this time:

Greece’s lenders will have the right to seize the gold reserves in the Bank of Greece under the terms of the new deal, and that future bonds issued will be governed by English law and in Luxembourg courts, conditions more favorable to creditors.

And now we see the end result of how the evolution of war in non-third world or oil producing countries is fought: financially. Which countries are on the chopping block? The  countries that have gold to be looted are highlighted below from

It is human nature to take a handout. We call these entitlements or as the recipients like to say “rights”. At some point, the debt must be repaid. Or can it be repaid in every case? Our national debt combined with unfunded liabilities is over $133 trillion. If we take our GDP as a measure of solvency for the United States, this means that we are bankrupt 8.8 times over. If someone cannot repay their debts, the only alternative left is to relinquish their freedom.

Greece, Italy, Spain, Iceland and Portugal are examples where the piper is coming to claim his due: gold and national sovereignty. The threat to our national sovereignty is also at risk as the Federal Reserve is transferring our wealth to the ECB and IMF without any Congressional approval. It appears that America will soon have to consider the consequences of an entitlement mentality which were incorrectly justified as “rights”. The right to be free and to be left alone supersede the political ambitions and greed of the people who sold out our nation.

Let’s define “fair share” correctly in terms of America: 100% free.

David DeGerolamo

Growing Air of Concern in Greece Over New Bailout

“This is the first time ever that a European and probably an O.E.C.D. state abdicates its rights of immunity over all its assets to its lenders,” said Louka Katseli, an independent member of Parliament who previously represented the Socialist Party, using the abbreviation for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. She was one of several independents who joined 43 lawmakers from the two largest parties in voting against the loan agreement.

Ms. Katseli, an economist who was labor minister in the government of George Papandreou until she left in a cabinet reshuffle last June, was also upset that Greece’s lenders will have the right to seize the gold reserves in the Bank of Greece under the terms of the new deal, and that future bonds issued will be governed by English law and in Luxembourg courts, conditions more favorable to creditors.

“They don’t want to kill us but keep us down on our knees so we can keep paying them indefinitely,” said Eva Kyriadou, 55, as she stood in a square in downtown Athens where the smell of tear gas and the smashed facades from last week’s violent riots still lingered.


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