The Exodus of Our Thought-Leaders

We are now at a point in the “Fundamental Transformation of America” where people who have worked hard to restore the Republic are concluding there is no viable option but emigration.

Every one has to figure out for themselves what degree of liberty they will sacrifice for security.

People have accused me of giving up, of turning my back on my nation. My nation is not a place, it is a set of conditions under which my forefathers agreed to live and to raise children. It is a covenant between the people and those they allow to sit in the seats of power. Break the covenant and you have broken the nation.

Read the whole post by T. L. Davis

Reflect on your next action. 

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13 years ago

I thought about liquidating my physical assets and moving to Panama before the country started to collapse. My wife and I got our series of shots, were ready to go buy land and researched the political and economic situation of Panama.

Why am I still here? Once I realized that the United States was in jeopardy, I could not abandon what so many people had sacrificed and died to give us. If you want to leave the country to jackals, let your chains rest lightly on your shoulders. As Canada Free Press states so succinctly: Because without America, there is no Free World.

I want to be clear, God is first in my life and I am a citizen of Heaven. I believe that He blessed this country at its founding and hope that He still supports us. Time will tell.