The F-35: Spending Money for the Sake of Spending Money

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Pam Knowles
Pam Knowles
9 years ago

Keep the Money Coming. I saw this insanity in the school system. We had to spend the money. I always asked the same question: The stories in the literature textbooks have not changed; why do we need new textbooks?

Ron Parks
Ron Parks
9 years ago

I agree with Pam. I saw it in the Military and as a school teacher. This is money that is budgeted to you. You must spend it (even if you have no current need) or you will find your budget cut next year when you might need it. The rule is: once money is budgeted to you it is much easier to justify keeping that money in future budgets than it is to get new money in the future. Therefore you need to speed money to show need rather than showing need to have money appropriated for that need. Sadly, this system works as far as the budgets at the individual levels are concerned but it results in massive overspending on a national level. One can see some of this philosophy at work in large corporations as well but nowhere is it as evident as government. The bigger the government, the bigger the problem.