The Farce Awakens

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, paul ryan, budget, christmas, list

New House Speaker Paul Ryan quickly passed a budget bill (with more Democrats than Republicans voting for it) which essentially gave Barack Obama and his cronies everything they could possibly want with no fight whatsoever. 

Cash for Planned Parenthood butchery? Full funding for the resettling of immigrants and refugees in the nation’s vulnerable heartland? Taxpayer dollars to combat alleged climate change? All this and much, much, MUCH more was rubber stamped “to keep the government open,” making a complete mockery of the hard fought elections which finally gave the House and Senate to Republicans under the mistaken impression that it might make a difference.

And we conservatives can scream, complain, and debate among ourselves all we want, but to what end? Everything we stand against is already funded through next year.


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Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Sent to my representative that voted FOR Lyin Ryan for speaker….

Representative Holding,

With all due respect sir, YOU voted for speaker Ryan. You knew or should have known the agenda he would follow and so while I appreciate you attempt to deflect responsibility it rings quite hollow.

If on the other hand you are serious and this isn’t merely more political theatre then lead the move to REMOVE him, Ryan, from office. He is clearly unfit and those who fein surprise by his funding of an organization that market body parts from children, the invasion of our country, and the importation of those from war torn regions who have shown a propensity for murdering our countrymen, among other things, yet take no action must hold their man hoods cheap or agree with his antics both which shall exclude my vote and my support.

if no action is forthcoming on your part I fully intend to vote for whatever individual runs against you in the hope that maybe the GOP will run a better candidate in 2018. It is a regrettable circumstance but if Ryan represents you and the GOP’s idea of a leader I want nothing to do with it.

I have been consistently posting GOP= G ranting. O bama P ermission….it is my most fervent hope you might yet prove me wrong.


Will it make any difference? Probably not but I strive to be a man of my word.