Please read it, share it, and remember that the truly revolutionary idea set forth by Mr. Jefferson and his allies was that government must be subordinate to a nation’s citizens.
Read that Declaration written by Mr. Jefferson.
Revolutionary then.
Revolutionary still, 248 years later.
There truly is no fate but what we make.
Mr. Peters gets the last word:
…It is not easy to take one’s independence back from those who have taken it away, for they will not give it back. Frederick Douglass understood this. He said a man gets exactly the amount of tyranny he is willing to abide.
If you have tired of abiding it, then stop abiding it. If a committed-enough minority of Americans decides to do just that, perhaps in the not-so-distant future Americans will be able to celebrate their independence again.
As opposed to what has become the Farce of July.
h/t WRSA
A determined few is all we need, are you committed to independence?
You’re damned straight I am. And, Tom, so are millions of others just like us. It’s coming.
God Almighty willing strider 777, have a blessed day.
And the very same to you, my friend.
That determined few, of which I am one, is too far separated geographically to do a damned thing.
We could save space by making it the same day….. just a thought.
Instead of “Life, Liberty, & The Pursuit of Happiness”, we now have “Death, False Freedom, and Enslavement.” Tragic! When Founding Fathers die off, so does their vision.