The Farcical War Will End After the Election

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General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
1 day ago

This is great news from Kim Dotcom. It’s exactly like what transpired in WWI on the Eastern Front. Countless Russian tossed into the German meatgrinders of interlocking fire from water-cooled Maxim guns spewing death. The death tolls were unimaginable and eventually the soldiers grew weary of the pointless slaughter--just like what is happening now in Ukraine… where they are realizing that they are just pawns for western ambitions that has absolutely NOTHING to do with their real life asperations or needs.

Mary Combs
Mary Combs
1 day ago

Kimdotcom had taken a lot of flak over saying Jacinda Arden is a good person and it cost a lot of followers. The quote you cite comes across well (I’ve shared it to a lot of friends) but that defense of JA has cost tons of reputation and raises questions about discernment. Still, people are seldom 100% right all the time.

1 day ago

Seems to me Zelensky deserves a hemp necktie. Along with every Congressional scoundrel, biden and his treasonous appointees, who gave Ukraine and Israel 10s and 10s of billions of Amerika’s inflated greenbacks.

BTW….let us not forget biden and his communist, Cuban import Mayorkas.

Got rope ?

1 day ago

It’s no better on the Russian side. Their military is now importing NORKs as cannon fodder.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
1 day ago
Reply to  Thexrayboy

Sorry pal--wrong. The Ukrainian’s have lost upwards of 1.5 million KIA, wounded, missing… and lately outright desertions. While Russia has suffered less than 5% of Ukraine’s massive numbers. Russia has been enjoying a kill ratio of up to 10 to 1 over Ukraine. I know you HATE President Putin, replete with all the Neo-Con teeth grinding. But it’s time to get a grip on reality. Ukraine is the BAD GUYS. NATO are the BAD GUYS. The US are the BAD GUYS here.