NEW: @RepClayHiggins tells Twitter execs to prepare to be arrested for criminal interference in the 2020 election
— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) February 8, 2023
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I remember when he was a Sheriff in Louisiana, get em Mr. Higgins.
I would hope the FBI special agents perp walk into prison. Who is $ John Galt? TEXIT!
Talk is cheap. Seeing is believing.
I hope they are sincere. It is a long uphill fight though given that the entire DOJ, the AG, and the Gestapo are fully complicit with all of these high crimes and many more that are yet unknown. They better hurry, millions of Heritage Americans have already given up on procedural justice within the system anyway and we are rooting for the Russians to nuke DC and the rest of the blue hives while waiting for this to play out.
Been waiting all my life for them to do something meaningful.
Not a damn thing will happen -- mark my words. Same ole’ story. Talk and more talk and ZERO action.
Patriots are few that are able bodied, most younger people don’t care who rules or care about their family or future. Voting is useless since politicians are bought off to push globalism.
Frankly, the fox in charge of the hen house is not going arrest the fox. The DOJ is the ultimate law enforcement body; they won’t be giving themselves so much as a
scratch. Washington DC has been castrated. End of story. Now comes the real rebellion…where the real shooting starts. Where authorities have to account and earn their self-anointed place in corruption.
Yeah, right. Believe it when I see it and even then it could be all theater with an activist judge presiding over the case.
When the arrest happens, and the trials begin I might begin to believe justice is coming, until then this is all talk.
They have gone completely off the reservation.
The fbi need to be disband.
All fired, and half at least DE-LE Certified.
At least…. a dozen suits need 20 plus yrs in prison and a handful or 2…
Need to be made…..VERY SERIOUS EXAMPLES,of. ☠️
Could it be that there are still a few members of congress that aren’t compromised? I hope so.
I all for dismantling the FBI, the DOJ, dept of education, and Marxist run State dept. but not the CBS FBI TV series on Tues nite.
The ENTIRE damn govt is rotten as all hell.
And who exactly is he going to get to arrest the Twitter people or anyone else? The FBI? Lol. Who’s going to issue an arrest warrant? The DOJ? Lol.
Bread and circuses….now it’s the Republicans turn to feign outrage and do nothing.
So stunning, so brave, so flaccid.