The Federal Reserve has brought back “taxation without representation”


by Simon Black

In February 1768, a revolutionary article entitled “No taxation without representation” was published London Magazine.

The article was a re-print of an impassioned speech made by Lord Camden arguing in parliament against Britain’s oppressive tax policies in the American colonies.

Britain had been milking the colonists like medieval serfs. And the idea of ‘no taxation without representation’ was revolutionary, of course, because it became a rallying cry for the American Revolution.

The idea was simple: colonists had no elected officials representing their interests in the British government, therefore they were being taxed without their consent.

To the colonists, this was tantamount to robbery.

Thomas Jefferson even included “imposing taxes without our consent” on the long list of grievances claimed against Great Britain in the Declaration of Independence.

It was enough of a reason to go to war.


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Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago

A resounding YES!

Our country is being financially raped. Either by inflation, deflation, or robbing savers of a proper market return on investment it is nothing but theft on a national and global scale.

I would argue that it is the single biggest fraud in the history of mankind. How else can you explain handing out pieces of ‘paper’, demanding people use it, and the manipulating their valuation according to ones mood? Simply mind boggling.