The Fight Against Evil Is Close At Hand! I Hope You Are Prepared For More Than Just Surviving?

I weep for what was once a great and beautiful country. For so many years I have tried and fought to restore the country of my childhood. I came to the realization that there is no voting our way out of this mess many years ago and I was called crazy for thinking in such a way. Sadly, we’ve witnessed TINVOWOOT over the last decade. I’ve also come to the realization that us “patriots” will not unite and stand to secure Liberty for the future generations. It seems all we are willing to do is “prepare” and prove who is the smartest person in the room on a daily basis. Stacking ammo and weapons, food, survival items, preparing for a dark and dystopian future, seems to be the order of the day.

It is frustrating that we can’t restore the Republic. Seems all we can do at this point is try to survive the coming storm and rise from the ashes to try and rebuild what once was. The days of my youth are forever gone. I don’t even recognize the world we live in today. We tolerate so much, that evil is right at home in this world.

Everyone can feel it, that something is about to happen, because we can’t continue to go this way. But yet, every day, nothing happens, and evil continues to gain ground. I often think about the Churchill quote, “If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

I fear we have waited until it is too late. But fight we must, because I sure don’t want my children to live as slaves. While we may not be guaranteed victory, hopefully enough of us “good people” survive to rebuild something better.

We have failed our founding fathers. We have refused to do what we were supposed to do should evil usurp our country. While our “Constitution” is one of the greatest theories for governing ever written, hopefully we can improve on it should we defeat evil. I believe we will eventually win, I have to believe it, good after all, always wins.

Many of us are going to perish in the coming battle against this evil. I hope I survive, however if I don’t I hope I go out fighting and not a coward. Waiting for the trouble to come to me is maddening. It seems everyone is carrying on with day to day life with absolutely no concern of the evil that has surrounded us. Our “government” is aiding an invasion at this very moment. They aim to replace us “deplorables”. Our “government” is stealing our wealth right out in the open for everyone to see and it seems we are powerless to stop it. Our “government” is doing its best to start WWIII and the world is just spectating like its some video game. It’s frustrating that our only solution is to continue to prep for the darkness. It seems this all I or anyone is willing to unite about.

I say the dark days are already upon us. For those of you who are willing to do so much more than “prep”, know that you are not alone. We must continue to try and unite with those who are willing to fight to restore Liberty. I wish I had the answer on how we begin to fight back, but you tend to be called a “fed” by suggesting anything other than prepping.

Harden your hearts Gentlemen. The Fight Against Evil is Close at Hand. I hope you are prepared for more than just surviving.


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1 year ago

Strong essay. Evil is upon us.

“ End of Texas article states

I say all this to warn my readers to be on the alert when in public, to avoid large crowds whenever possible this summer, and don’t take anything for granted, even while at home. This is not the old America. This is the new Amerika, where normalcy bias will get you killed.
God have mercy on your remnant.
Stay calm, stay peaceful. The answer never lies in violence.
The answer lies in noncompliance.
Never comply with any unconstitutional or unbiblical laws, edicts or rules. Never submit to tyrants.”. (Leo Hohmann)

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

I run errands early in day during the week, stay home on weekends from malls and other crowded events. Best to keep doors locked day and nite. I block windows from opening high enough for person to get inside. have pvc pipe for blocking windows from opening high enough. Sabre brand pepper spray/gel is best. Keep alert in parking lots for anyone loitering. Lock car even if for a few minutes inside a business.

Joanne Mitchell
Joanne Mitchell
1 year ago
Reply to  Laura Ann

Where can I obtain Sabre brand pepper spray?

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
1 year ago

Wal mart had it in sporting goods section or find online.

1 year ago
Reply to  Laura Ann

I would highly recommend a firearm in leu of pepper spray. You need to be close to use it and just a small amount of wind can misdirect it. Plus, with some perps, the spray will only piss them off.

If racking a slide on a semi-auto pistol is too hard buy yourself a revolver — and train with it.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  brewer55

Good advice brewer55, the 38 special is still the most universal hand gun in the world.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

As a childhood friends t-shirt said, “When Smith and Wesson talk, people listen”.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Noway2

Yes they do.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

.22 can be far more deadly at medium range, fragments . Gang boss Sam Giancana, die at the muzzle of a .22 caliber, fired through a glass pane in his kitchen while cooking sausages.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  kal

The thing about a .22 is it will do a lot of internal damage, it will ricochet off of bones.

1 year ago
Reply to  brewer55

A friend of mine used pepper spray on someone trying to attack her. He became enraged, struck out at her with the knife in his hand, and stabbed her in the heart. Mother of two young children. Parking lot.

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
1 year ago
Reply to  CAgirl

See another idea of mine below using a stocking and hard object inside.

1 year ago
Reply to  Laura Ann

don’t let them get close.

1 year ago
Reply to  brewer55

Some of the females I have trained don’t have the mass or strength to operate a semiauto, start with a .38 revolver.

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
1 year ago
Reply to  brewer55

I have a river rock inside a stocking in the car, can be used to hit an offender, just swing it around keep holding onto the end without getting too close to the person, whack him, then jump in the car and take off.

1 year ago
Reply to  Laura Ann

Dream World.

1 year ago
Reply to  Laura Ann

Thx for sharing great tips. We all need this reminder.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

That twitter link appears to be broken or, it was deleted.

1 year ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Thanks, bro.

1 year ago
Reply to  brewer55

Resent the link and checked. It worked on my end.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

Yes, got it. He sounds demon possessed.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

Very nice Jane, ty for the quote.

1 year ago
Reply to  Suzanna


1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

“The answer never lies in violence”

With certainty, there are exceptions to that rule.
“When someone tries to kill you, you try to kill ’em right back.”

When credible deadly force is leveled against you, the only way to not “comply” is to defend yourself with equal or greater force. The right to self-defense is universal to all living things, and supercedes the laws of men.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fido

When I was training in kung fu, we were taught, “talk your way out, walk your way out, run your way out, if none of these option are possible, then kill quickly and leave.”

1 year ago
Reply to  kal

Speed is a special quality…. you most definitely do not want it following you… and five people don’t run faster than one. Downside is you have to have somewhere to run *to*, and you have to turn your back to do it.

1 year ago
Reply to  kal

Good points

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  kal

One of the many quotes Of Ed Parker, if you hesitate you meditate in the prone position.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fido

Of course! Agree.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

“Texas Governor Abbott is one of the Invasion Commanders. Abbott is aiding and abetting the invasion of United States.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

it would seem that turning the other cheek or simple non-compliance will get you a single result, dead. They will have their way unless they are physically stopped. The only to stop the Orcs is through the utter destruction of the Orc mob. The lack of fighting has gained us nothing and has driven us deeper and deeper into the liberal cesspool of perversion. Driven us to this small final toe hold. I respect your position of restraint but in my peon’s opinion, I fear it gain us no ground. In order to retake the “high” ground, I think we will need to fight our way back up the hill.

Bigus Macus
Bigus Macus
1 year ago

Hold Fast and Stand Firm

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Me and my wife were watching the classic movie last night, For whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee, based on the novel by Ernest Hemmingway. It has a lot of similarity’s to our current situation. At 72 yrs. old, I do not take any medications and am in good shape, one commenter here wonders why I have not been arrested as of yet, he has stated my comments are seditious, I must be a fed. We have a constitutional sheriff in Mojave county, we now have a criminal communist for a governor, attorney general and state department. I hear the bell and it tolls for me, if you don’t believe in violence get behind somebody that does. I grew up in the 50s and 60s, joined the army in 1968, the country I grew up in is gone, I am now a terrorist in the country I was born in. Fight or die, there is no other choice.

Last edited 1 year ago by tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

I have heard directly from a horse’s mouth that a “21 year old white marine,” whose entire family fought for America is now being harassed by his peers and leaders. Need I say more? Biden told a graduation class at Howard University that the greatest terrorism in our nation is white supremacy . This is Neo Marxist socialist authoritarian ideology stated by a Marxist US President. I am 74 years old. I remain faithful to the documents of our Founding Fathers. That’s the hill I stand on

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

I am standing with you on that hill.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

I’m 73, and I stand with Tom and Jane.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  strider777

We now have a fighting chance Strider.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Yes, we do, Tom. And I believe that there are million of good and decent Americans, all across our country, that stand with us.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  strider777

Millions strider.

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
1 year ago
Reply to  strider777

Communities need to hold meetings, but local officials may not join in. Most don’t even know their neighbors or speak. They are too busy with texting, social media, etc.

1 year ago
Reply to  Laura Ann


1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Hey, wait for me!! I’m 68 and will join you all!

Sheesh…what a rag tag bunch we would probably look like, eh? LOL

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  brewer55

Rag tag or not brewer55, it is a start.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

We may be “over the hill,” but not to old to take a stand and fight on it!

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  strider777

Yep, I bet you could hit a bird in the eye flying.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Sorry but this just came to mind and I couldnt resist>

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  grif

Yea, those days are gone

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

I will not retreat!!!

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

We cannot at this point, we will win, they will retreat Jane.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley


1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

got room for one more?

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  kal

Yes sir, we need all we can get.

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

I cannot understand why the younger men won’t fight back, as a retiree, I assume young parents don’t care about their future or their kids or family. Churches have become social centers and majority are apostate refusing to speak out against evil. We home church and others have dropped out of churches (fed up).

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Laura Ann

That does not mean God has abandoned us, seek him and his divine wisdom.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Ok what idiot would down vote that comment. Looks like trolls are back

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  grif

I have noticed that a lot lately.

1 year ago
Reply to  Laura Ann

with all due respect, two generations of everybody is a winner, trophies and medals for all, taught to them by the NEA guided indoctrinators.

Last edited 1 year ago by kal
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Iam the same way Tom, I don’t take any meds. at all but when I do go to the Doctor which is far and few between unless I have an old fashioned cold, the doctor is always stumped as to why I don’t take meds, He acts like Iam supposed be on meds. because of my age and I continually tell him I don’t need any and they are poison. I thank the good Lord Iam in good health for my age.

Last edited 1 year ago by Philip
tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Philip

Yea Phil, they all want us on meds, drug pushers is what they are.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

I am 70. Our lives are exactly parallel. I’m right there with you brother.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Bill

Great Bill, we are gaining momentum.

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
1 year ago

So few patriiots exist now. Most are elderly, unable to do much. Younger generations are self absorbed nihiliists, addicted to electronics. If they attend church it is for a social/business outlet. America is without any hope now, we are being invaded and invaders will be used for the take down and armed with rifles and told to kill and pillage. Then they will be useless to the elite later unless used for slave labor. Church leaders are cowards and apostates and refuse to speak out against evil. Their goal is collecting money and running a social/business outlet for the members andnot offend anyone. Less than three percent know anything about agenda 2030 or the WEF reset depopulation agendas.

Frank Bizon
Frank Bizon
1 year ago
Reply to  Laura Ann

Sad to say you are correct on all counts. They waited for our generation to get old and tired. No one listens to us now. It seems their brainwashing is complete.

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank Bizon

They didn’t listen to my parents generation on warnings on joining the UN in the late ’50’s on, now I am 78 and so many are uninformed in my age group, (all age groups) many unconcerned busy with golf, bridge playing, bingo, cruise trips. If people never heard of agenda 2030, the WEF or globalist agendas, I don’t have time to waste on them, I expect anyone middle aged 35 + or older to know what I know.

1 year ago

The vast majority of governmental and law enforcement power belongs to county level government down. If your area had a mask mandate, it was enforced by city and county cops, not the FBI. Point is you should be making every effort to take control of your local government, starting with library and school boards. this is not an impossible task, and unless you live deep in the heart of Chicago, voting does matter -- ALOT. It’s nice to fantasize about being a warlord in the future, but the truth is if you can’t run an effective local political campaign, no one is gonna be joining your resistance cell either. No kinetic scenario will take place until conservatives have actual political power in several states (they do not currently, Rhinos hold all the power and make sure to only provide token resistance to the regime). Until then, you’re just another old man complaining on the internet while there is real work to be done. Watching Fox news every night doesn’t count…

1 year ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

I am new here; I did read your link and appreciate your efforts. And I do think there is a major conflict coming, which I train for daily. But my points still stands. Seems like you quit the war after you lost a battle, which is not a good omen for the coming, real war. Maybe things really are hopeless in NC, but where I’m at (in Idaho) the hard work of building networks and political machines (which took years) is starting to pay off.
Anyways, thanks for the reply and the content. 

Brad Long
Brad Long
1 year ago
Reply to  Josh

I understand your position. I am in Oklahoma. We still have a chance but the clock is ticking. In many States, being an honest industrial citizen is like pissing in the wind. The voting is rigged to benefit those at the helm. Tax, spend, no accountability, rinse, repeat. I ponder the riff raff coming over our borders by the tens of thousands. Many just young men, in good shape, of military age. No family attached. This was done throughout Europe about 5 years ago. Now it is our turn. Looks to me like Force Recon.

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
1 year ago
Reply to  Josh

Politicians are all bought off the by the left, are pro globalist. Voting is like tyring to stop a train wreck after it has derailed and tumbled ove a cliff. We are at war and being invaded. Civil unrest and chaos ahead.

1 year ago
Reply to  Josh

The problem with your comment is that local govts take money from Feds and state govts. Integrity and a decent moral compass allow us to govern ourselves. The greed so prevalent today has corrupted any and all govts. And Hey Josh, I am in my 50s and DON’T watch ANY TV esp Fox. Start using your brain and actually “seeing” what is going on. This from an “old lady” who has seen what life has thrown her so far. Watch yourself boy

1 year ago

Comment from blog

What we are wrestling with are hosts of darkness, legions of hell, demons devouring our planet. We are in an epic battle of light versus darkness. For decades now, American children have had their bodies and minds altered to be opened up to demonic possession–from pharmaceutical drugs, street drugs, violent video games and media content, toxic preservatives in their food, social media, brainwashing in schools, hormones in water and soil, poisons in the environment. It’s been a full assault on their bodies and minds, conditioning them to wokeness, to physical sickness, to violent tendencies, to hormonal imbalances, to socialism, and absolutely to mental illness — all of which has conformed them to wide scale demon possession. Sometimes I meet someone and honestly cannot tell if they are really human or zombie or machine. The root cause of a lot of mental illness comes from another dimension, the one we are waging war against, following the lead of our King and Savior, the angelic commanders of his hosts, and our Lady Protectress. We must continue to pray and put on the armor of God daily because the battle is all around us.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

I went down east to meet with some like minded individuals. I taught them some very basic knowledge on first aid. This group, slightly more larger than mine, but having been around a lot longer, had no designated “medic” at all. Apparently there is still much work to be done.

Gonna Gitcha
Gonna Gitcha
1 year ago

i always hear about it’s the patriots fault for this and that and we should-ah would-ah could-ah and frankly i’m tired of it. this is more than just a fight for the nation. who should we organize with when so many can’t critically think and not take an experimental shot? i say let it hit the fan and we can then start the cleanup that needs to happen rather than getting hammered for organizing to form a more perfect union. i want to help those who know what is going on and are at least trying to stop / prevent / do-something instead of those who have made their hopeless decisions and will have to live with the consequences. we have a lot of cleaning up to do and by not doing the clean up early we actually have better clarity on who the players are because they feel so free now to overtly display what they have been covertly working on for decades. when cleanup happens they will feel the necessary heat for what they’ve done. the constitution stills stands after its all over and we form a more perfect union, but at least we can do it with people who think critically and want to make the new union one worth fighting for and one worth supporting.

1 year ago

The Bible says that the curse that is without cause shall not come. But God gives corrupt leaders to nations that forget Him. If those nations continue to forget God, He then allows foreign enemies to take over their government. That’s where we are now. If neither of those measures bring repentance, then God will bring an outright military takeover by foreign governments, complete with curfews and foreign troops on the streets, checkpoints and invasive searches, rapes by soldiers at the checkpoints and house to house seizures, etc…. Forgetting God is very costly and the Bible says “All nations that forget God will be turned into hell.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jay

very Biblical. I’ve been thinking about this lately too.
Israel was chastised several ways, but you are correct that when they refused to repent after many chastisements, God sent an enemy nation to conquer them!
It sure doesn’t look like America is turning back to God… will it, like Israel, be ‘taken into captivity’? Will only a future generation remember God enough to take it back/restore it?
I hope we’re not that far gone…

1 year ago

Sad that the majority miss the hard truth that God is sending
destruction to the evil empire and it’s too late to stop it.
Job 12:23, Psalm9:17 for you lovers of the Way, the truth & the Life.
Who really believed that God would make Sodom$ Gomorrah USA
GREAT again ? You were deceived!

1 year ago
Reply to  Marcel

Probably correct, but we do not know the final outcome as Wes has pointed out. So we must stand in the gap and occupy. Lately i think a lot about ancient Rome and its fall. Then I also think about Constantinople and wonder if maybe that is also an outcome that would stem the tide. Ammo up.

Michael Cowles in Panhandle Florida
Michael Cowles in Panhandle Florida
1 year ago
Reply to  Quatermain

The conversations I actually find amusing are from people who go to church and can qoute scripture, but can’t see the signs of the times in front of them. Especially the ones who practically worshipped Trump as some kind of 5D Chaess genius. There are no “white hats” in high places waiting to arrest bad guys. 99% of the leaders within government are practical satanists because they ARE NOT practical followers of Christ. The whole world is in lockstep with an agenda that seeks to dehumanize every aspect of life, and reduce the populace in a million different ways. There is a STRONG DELUSION that has most of humanity going along with this anti-life agenda that could only have been birthed in hell. The people who advocate rising up and fighting against it, would be like Peter slicing the ear of the roman soldier leading Jesus away. This transhuman-hybrid-singularity effort to carbon based AI future…….it couldn’t be more biblical. You guys slamming us who are planning to hunker down….Jesus said flea to the mountains, not stand and fight. This country is the Mystery Whore of Babylon and the best any christian can hope for is one of 2 things…..Martyrdom or being a Remnant . That choice is Gods alone, we are called to fast and pray and wait upon the Lord. He gets to choose who gets to be a Martyr and who gets to be the remnant. We all need to try and hang onm in faith for the Lord to call us up, just before the Wrath of God is meted out upon a rebellious and ignorant humanity. A civil war is absurd….there will be utter societal collapse, and you better make friends and form alliances NOW….organize at the neighborhood block level. But honestly, “Praying for America” probably makes God laugh. He does not respect countries….he cares about his individual followers. We will trust him unto death? I will. That, and prepare for the collapse is all I really have time for. I will treat myself to a movie, or dinner out of lazilly laying out of the beach with Beer, and food and music, but other than that, my main time is spent working and making money to invest in my backyard farm, my gun collection and my ammo collection, and giving free chicken eggs out to my nearest neighbors. I have a large vegetable and fruit garden, chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys. I have enough to share. I’m waiting on the Lord, but I no longer waste my time on politics…..the past 4 years, the Rs have done nothing to save us from another vote steal……it’s over.

1 year ago

Here is some Hope.
This is a 1975 True Story of Corrie Ten Boom.
A non Jew, Dutch Christian woman, that survived and was Discharged from Ravensbruck before WWII ended. Whenever the World Premier of this film was to be first shown in 1975, a Nazi gas canister was thrown into the theater and it was evacuated. Narrated by Corrie.
This is a very humbling movie.
Especially for the Patriot who sees what was, and is not.
Its hard to imagine how one can muster such love.
We could be called to do this.
To fight and die would seem to be the easy route.

1 year ago

You hit the nail on the head! However, there is much blame and responsibility to go around. I am reading your post on the site of a very well respected and informed, self proclaimed “watchman”. You all know the type, they are genuinely connected to sources of information that is a game changer… however, they do not share that knowledge with the public, but only with people who are willing to pay to “subscribe” to get bigger bread crumbs.. the more you pay, the bigger bread crumbs you get. I was a subscriber to several of them, until it became too expensive. I wonder when they are being dragged out of their homes to watch it be looted and burned, if they will wish they were truly “watchmen” and warned more people not just those they could profit from…

1 year ago

I stand with Wes and all true American patriots who grew up loving this country. Who are willing to sacrifice “the last full measure of devotion” in order to secure our GOD given rights and those granted to us by the founding fathers that we may secure a bountiful future for our children and grand children.
At 72 years old and a child of the 50’s, I’m reminded daily of the 8th verse in the 6th chapter of Isaiah where the LORD asks “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us”? “Then said I, here am I, send me”.
I am willing to go where ever He sends me and carry out what ever task He has assigned me!! I am prepared!

Michael Cowles in Panhandle Florida
Michael Cowles in Panhandle Florida
1 year ago
Reply to  Roger

You fail to see you are equating living in a free America as your and your children’sGod given right. YUou display laudable but misplace patriotism. God has a place for his true children. That is the ONLY place that is a God Given….your kids, you, me, we have no right to peace and prosperity ion this life. It’s foolish to now fight for such a thing that will never be. I contend, God nis making sure this country is destroyed gradually at first and then come crashing down to oblivion in a single day as in “Mystery Babylon”. Only the hold of nostalgia would make an old man try to fight what God has ordained as a just punished for America spreading Abortion, Pornography, Divorce, LGBTQ all around the world. We’re worse than Sodom & Gommorrah multiplied by a factor of 10. As a nation we are guilty of mass global murder….our big pharma companies have poluted the entire human race, but in the end, God let it all happen for the sake of his children, his true children. They know who they are. If you’re uncertain then you are not one, or just not one yet. God says, that when if Christ doesn’t return when he will, no flesh would be saved. That means things will no get better, they will get worse. I will never take up arms against my government. I have firearms for unscrupulous marauders. I will organize a nighborhood militia. But fighting for America? an America of today? It’s actively destroying itself. The Woke Military is a JOKE military. Dying for America at this point would be an affront to God

k mc
k mc
1 year ago

The WEST has failed the KING OF KINGS.. Human documents are useless..

1 year ago

I’m thinking a class on:

Geofencing and cell phones (remember what caught so many Jan 6th folks?)
OnStar and the various non subscription passive versions a lot of new cars have.
And that the 3 “S”‘s doesn’t include bragging on an open channel like this blog might be useful.

Oh, and a reminder that anybody can be anybody on the internet. Real friends are in meat space, and you’ve known them for decades.

Soon enough today’s troubles will be called the “Good old Days”.

Protect your family and trusted friends. Aside from a good relationship with your creator, nothing is as important.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

S.M.A.R.T.-Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hound

GOOGLE brings up HD programs.

Link please?

1 year ago

We have not restored the Republic, but the fat lady has not sung yet!

1 year ago

Very good and very true, and of course very sad.
What did we as a prosperous nation do? We played an ego
game of one-up-man-ship. It was all about stuff…the bigger
home, the newer car, and the fashion parade. People defined
themselves by how much $$ they could spend. They “showed
their neighbors” how successful they had become by taking
out second mortgages to finance remodel projects, SUVs for
city driving, and expensive vacations. It was really only an
illusion. People wanted to play rich man, while ignoring the
big shots (the really rich) play the game of theft and fraud
galore. I know I speak for many, but not all. Some folks were
poor from the start and remain poor but have good honest
hearts. They do homeschooling, and Mom is at home.
The rich may crave cocaine, and they can afford it. Poor
people peddle drugs to their neighbors as the fentanyl flows
and lives are destroyed. Very sad.

1 year ago

Very good points!

Latigo Morgan
Latigo Morgan
1 year ago

I’ve also come to the realization that us “patriots” will not unite and stand to secure Liberty for the future generations. It seems all we are willing to do is “prepare” and prove who is the smartest person in the room on a daily basis. Stacking ammo and weapons, food, survival items, preparing for a dark and dystopian future, seems to be the order of the day.

You’ve nailed that one, sadly enough. Seems folks would rather argue on the internet than get out and do something. Then, when someone does do something, others, like crabs in a pot, try to drag them down for it. Or, better yet, get called a “Fed” for your efforts and ostracized from the “online” community.

1 year ago

We who visit, read and support these same values as Wes about our Republic being taken down before our very eyes are mostly already living in the red so to speak. Have you funds right now to start prepping for this crap that’s surrounded you and your loved ones? Probably not. If you’re late in that game plan it’s a rush and next to impossible to get going. Realize that if you believe you’re at least in your HEART and MIND at the level of a SHEEPDOG you’ve got a better chance than most! Some out here with us are actually WOLVES and that’s a good thing because they are leaders due to their experience in these matters. They were trained to be so by their military trainers. Stay out of their way when they operate unless told other wise BY THEM! I’ve been here on this path since the first 2008 happening. You couldn’t believe how much stress it is to have known that this was coming and still not be able to be more ready ( water storage and filtration, food…store bought or long term survival type… firearms & training…ammo…body armor…night vision 3rd. gen. at least…$$$$$$… you see how IT IS…IT ALL COSTS…medical supplies & training…silver or gold bullion…..more…$$$$$$…feeling it are you )! My family is no way near being ready with supplies or training for all this, yet we’re surely more ready now than 20 yrs. ago! OUR HEADS ARE IN THE GAME! DON’T GIVE UP…STAY FROSTY! IMUA WARRIORS OF THE REPUBLIC!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  CCCD

Imua indeed, Forward always!

1 year ago

My dad, back in his navy days, used to talk about carrying a roll of coins in a handkerchief. If ever questioned, it was telephone money, but that was in the day of pay telephones.

Carl Chadwick
Carl Chadwick
1 year ago

You cannot know what you should do until you KNOW WHO YOU ARE !
Ever watch the 1994 movie, “The Lion King”? After the jackals / hyenas “crept in unawares” and killed the ruling Lion King (think JFK), they then set about to plunder the kingdom for their own gain.
Simba, the young lion heir to the throne, was exiled, confused, and lost in knowing what to do to stop the demise of his country, until one night he heard the voice of his father’s spirit speak to him from the heavens:
One of the most startling revelatory paperback book I read many years ago was titled, “The United States and British Commonwealth in Prophesy“, by the late Herbert W. Armstrong, of the former Worldwide Church of God.
Today there is a vast amount of evidence and books written about the legacy of the ancient twelve tribes of Israel thru history to our day today (such as books by Steven M. Collins). Our ancestors made a covenant with the Lord God of heaven and earth!:
Exodus 19:5 “Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:” 
Exodus 19:6 “And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.” 
Exodus 19:7 “And Moses came and called for the elders of the people, and laid before their faces all these words which the LORD commanded him.” 
Exodus 19:8 “And all the people answered together, and said, All that the LORD hath spoken we will do. And Moses returned the words of the people unto the LORD.” (KJV)
That covenant “adheres” and “inures” to us, the “heirs” and “assigns” !
We must repent of our sins, and the breaking of this covenant that our ancestors made with the soon returning warrior King and Lord Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah, and be led by the Holy Spirit, in fulfilling our destiny for this day and age!

1 year ago
Reply to  Carl Chadwick

ask yourself this question, “Do I run into the fires of life or do I run away from the fires in life?” a very simple self-exploration.

Carl Chadwick
Carl Chadwick
1 year ago
Reply to  kal

Proverbs 26:4 “Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.” (KJV)

1 year ago

The last one is what will solve the problem. You make sure THEY DIE!

ron harvye
ron harvye
1 year ago

This is a painfully accurate indictment of American Conservatives.

1 year ago

Success of any endeavor depends upon organization. I learned that over the course of my career. Our side of the field has no organization. The other side does, and can rally their foot soldiers most anywhere on short notice by the busload unmolested by any law enforcement. Let our side try that and we know what happens.
Bible-believing Christians should not be surprised nor discouraged over what is and has occurred. The story was told long ago. We are now living it. This is not the end. Its just the beginning of the end. The United States is no longer the “Good Guy”. Hasn’t been for some time. Its catching up with us. I believe that the US is the Harlot of Babylon as described in Revelation. God has a plan for this nation, and its to not be around for the final chapters. First, however, He will make public the sins and corruption for all to see, and I think thats happening now. The corruption and criminal activities of our leaders is being exposed almost daily. The Durham Report is just the latest.
We won’t be seeing another Continental Army. Everything happens now in hours or days, not weeks and months. Nothing wrong with having prepped as best you could, and that includes spiritually. Now act locally.

1 year ago

Mahalo and Aloha kal. My late mom’s family line is Purdy from Kamuela. Harriet K. Purdy is and was my nana. My dad’s family line is Cox from Waialua on Oahu’s North Shore. My waterman brudda and friend Ivan Trent would make a great instructor and trainer for us all if it was meant to be. But, that’s not possible so we’ll all have to make due with what we’ve got. I’m a 73’ Searider of Waianae! STAY FROSTY…WATCH OUR BACKS…LOCKED & LOADED ALWAY’S… BE AWARE…love to all bruddas and family out there..till we meet again…aloha

1 year ago

The druid Winston Churchill was cueing the non-satanic side that perhaps the time to fight (politically, socially, economically) was then in regards to their campaign of advancing widespread tumult and turmoil (rather than directed towards the outward appearances of war), as a matter of projecting their intentions.

“According to Texe Marrs in his Codex Magica, Winston Churchill was not only a high-ranking Freemason, he was also a witch druid. As such, Churchill frequently made the satanic “V” sign (✌) whose “frequent use spurred the use of the device by an uninformed populace as a sign of victory.” A “victory for the devil”.

Gary Mooney
Gary Mooney
1 year ago

I am amazed how even those that should know better, keep giving hope that America will survive the coming judgments and its fall, to rebuild back better. NOT! Scriptural prophecy throughout the Bible clearly warns of this very end of days we are living. There will be no reprieve from the coming carnage and deaths. Jesus warned that if he did not shorten the time to his return, no flesh would be left alive. Anyone that is promising there is a chance to rebuild America to its past glory, is living in a strong delusion. Evil will continue to exponentially continue to increase until Jesus returns to reign over this God forsaking world.To think otherwise is to live in denial of reality!

1 year ago
Reply to  Gary Mooney

Amen and absolutely, brother.