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For the lord has given everything we truly need and we’ve chose a path away from him and it takes us no where -- the very life we lead is killing us -- we follow criminals and idolaters -These people have sold their very existence for fame and a dollar -- Hospitals are are now a for profit operation -- and if the all mighty bucks at stake -- your the loser -may God and Jesus find a way into the heads and hearts of these corrupt people before its too late
I’ve never taken the jab, and have no intention of ever taking it. You too should be of the same mind.
It’s not only the Covid-19 injections, but from what I’ve read they’ve already put mRNA technology in the flu, pneumonia, and have previously contaminated the tetanus and shingles vaccines as well. How could one risk any vaccine?
I don’t think we can. Not sure what to do if we ever need blood.
Hospitals only care about one thing, money. The government offered them vast payment increases for stating that patients were Covid positive, and for placing those patients on ventilators, even though doctors knew that would kill them.
Once a patient enters, the Hospital only cares about getting them discharged as quickly as possible, because they only get paid for the admission diagnosis. If you stay for a day or a year, they get the same money, so it is in their interest to get you out as soon as possible.
The sooner they get rid of you, even if you die, the more money they get to keep.
These articles pose interesting questions as to what really is opposition to Covid-19 vaccine mandates. For instance, should it merely be feasible (the practical application thereof, not a viewpoint?) for many among those not in prison with their perhaps increased access to resources, or those who don’t work and need not be too concerned yet, or for those who can afford lawyers to ensure their civil and constitutional rights are adhered to even if an employer mandates these injections? The implications of these questions are jarring, as they postulate situational viability, moreso than rational and informed choice per se (the vaccine companies still can’t be sued, and it’s difficult to find the ingredients or a full listing of them).
“Get a Covid-19 Vaccine or Face Prison, Judges Order In Probation Cases”
—-This phrase, “rule of law” sounds misplaced here.
“Outrage Over the Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate Stops at Prison Doors”
“While this rule of law is spreading across the nation, pushback to it has been hard to find. Instead, most public commentary over a COVID-19 vaccine mandate in U.S. prisons has been pro-mandate. STAT News’s Chandra Bozelka, for example, argued that “[v]accine mandates should cover prisoners, too, not just their guards” toward the end of 2021.”
—-Is this still accurate that most Americans don’t oppose Covid-19 vaccine mandates, even with the forthcoming evidence as to their harmful and cumulative effects?
“While most Americans don’t oppose COVID-19 vaccine mandates, many do. And those opposing the mandates are passionate.”
“But if federal courts are requiring — or, put differently, mandating — the COVID-19 vaccine before someone in prison can successfully request a compassionate release, why is that same opposition so hard to find? After all, like Judge McNulty said, the failure to get the COVID-19 vaccine is “practically a disqualifier” for compassionate release. In other words, it’s a COVID-19 vaccine mandate. And that’s precisely what critics like the “trucker convoy” heading to California fear. So, if your opposition to a COVID-19 vaccine mandate stops at the doors of a prison, is it really an opposition to vaccine mandates at all?”
I hear that there are lawsuits against some of the pharma companies. If they gained protection through fraud, then the protection is not valid.
Beware of the blood supply in America. Very aware. If you have a scheduled surgery give and store your own blood if needed.