The Finger Pointing Begins as the Facts SLOWLY Come Out

I believe people understand the position that this country is facing as the Deep State coup continues. What I do not understand is why no one is held accountable for their documented crimes. This country was founded on the principles that all men are created equally and that no one person is above the law. But we are living in a bastardized version of the Republic envisioned by our founders. The church which supported the original Revolution with the Black Robe Regiment and the religious doctrine that God has given us life and liberty is now more concerned with a homosexual agenda, money and/or ensuring that we are beaten into submission as sinners instead of striving for Christlike perfection as God intended. Our children are indoctrinated in all phases of public schools and then enslaved with college debt for worthless degrees. Our media does not inform us with facts so that we can make informed decisions; they instead feed us propaganda to misdirect and divide us for their own purposes.

But you already knew all of this. What we will see in the next months is the release of documented facts by Rudy Giuliani and Glenn Beck outlining the corruption of the country and the theft of its finances by the Deep State. A large portion of this documentation has been released and it is only a matter of time until the lies from the House of Representatives and the media are debunked.

If our country’s justice system was working as intended:

  1. Hillary would be arrested for felonies that are well documented.
  2. Joe Biden would be arrested for money laundering as would most the the ambassadorial staff in Ukraine.
  3. Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe and a large contingent of the FBI and DOJ leadership would be arrested for sedition.
  4. Brennan and Clapper would be arrested for their part in organizing the coup against the President.
  5. Gen. Flynn would be exonerated (along with a long list of others) and the FBI would be held accountable for blackmailing people into making false statements in order to not be prosecuted for crimes that they did not commit.
  6. Laws would be passed holding news organizations responsible for the accuracy of their reports and the consequences of unfounded opinion pieces designed to undermine the integrity of both the country and its leadership.
  7. Congress would be held accountable for their actions in the same manner as anyone else would be held accountable. Making false statements and holding secret partisan hearings would be criminal acts.

So why make yet another wish list of actions which should have already been done? Maybe at this festive time of the year, we can remember the gifts that the Lord has given us and hope that with His divine Providence, we will see justice and a brighter future without bloodshed.

David DeGerolamo

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5 years ago

@ David

Re: “I believe people understand the position that this country is facing as the Deep State coup continues. What I do not understand is why no one is held accountable for their documented crimes.”

David, I do not you if you are old-enough to remember the 1980s well, but back then, Leona Helmsley -- the billionaire businesswoman and hotelier -- got into trouble for non-payment of her income taxes. During the trial, a former housekeeper came forward and testified that she said, “We don’t pay taxes; only the little people pay taxes!” The so-called “Queen of Mean” got sixteen years but served only nineteen months plus some house arrest time.

The reason why no one is being held to account for their crimes is that the ruling class in America are effectively above the law.

De jure, we have a single legal system and code of laws which is supposed to apply to everyone, but de facto, we actually have a two-tiered legal system in which common, everyday people -- the ones for whom Helmsley and her kind had/have such contempt -- have to follow each and every law, lest they get hammered by the full power of the state. The ruling class, on the other hand -- those wealthy, connected and powerful people who actually run this country -- can get away with just about anything -- up to and including murder.

It’s been this way for a long time. Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy killed Mary Jo Kopechne in 1969, but wasn’t even officially censured by his colleagues, let alone charged with a felony such a negligent homicide or the like, which would have seen a “normal” person behind bars for many years, perhaps even life. Kennedy skated. Why? Because he was a member of the American aristocracy and ruling class, and therefore possessed a get-out-of-jail-free card.

The Deep-State embodies, to its very core, the idea of privilege, power and wealth for the few, the anointed. One of the many perks of belonging to the “club,” as it were, is that the normal laws don’t apply to you, for the most part.

How can anyone with their eyes open to the realities above claim that we are still a nation governed by the rule of law? The only reason normalcy still obtains is that the vast majority of people still believe in the fallacy that our legal system applies equally to all, regardless of station in life. How long that delusion remains in force, only time will tell.

5 years ago
5 years ago

They get away with it because there aren’t enough people willing to roll up their sleeves and do what needs doing.

a follower
a follower
5 years ago

6.”Laws would be passed holding news organizations responsible for the accuracy of their reports and the consequences of unfounded opinion pieces designed to undermine the integrity of both the country and its leadership.
7.Congress would be held accountable for their actions in the same manner as anyone else would be held accountable. Making false statements and holding secret partisan hearings would be criminal acts.”
There is Law and there is Grace (Favour) in place. The Government of Yahuah Elohim. Follow Him through and as a son.
John 1:14
The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.