This pic can be taken a couple of ways.
My opinion may throw salt in the eyes of some, don’t worry the tears will ease the pain.
#1–So as you pretend to lead your family in biblical trues, but at the same time toss an item with the Star of David on it. Sure sign that you pick and choose what you want to believe and teach your family from God’s Holy Word!
From Moses days as God’s pick to lead and teach the people of Israel. God has been very up front that Israel was and is his chosen people.
#2–As you read and teach God’s word to the family, You realize that the Star of David that’s in the trash can is a slap in God’s face about His chosen people. You teach a valuable lesson about respecting God’s wishing by retrieving it!
God is very plain about those that oppose or stand with Israel.
”I will Bless them that Bless Israel and I will Curse them whom Curses Israel.”
“ Can you explain how the United States is being blessed right now?” i’ll swing, we (this nation) are being blessed that Yah’s full wrath has not yet been unleashed. Amos 5:18 i have no doubt will come into play, quite possibly during yet our lifetimes Yah willing, and many who think they will be gone for this event may be in for a surprise! i as an individual have been blessed with work to provide for, shelter, food that sustains, clothing and His many blessings that many still seem to take for granted.
That is not what Tigg asked ? Stop adding or subtracting at your pleasure. Your answer remains here
until you recognize that you are ignoring what was said, and now you have others following you in this deception. You do not even see i made a distinction between Judea and Israel the target created by the Cabal. And yes their are innocents there, there are also those who believe in our one Mashiak.
Another blessing from above? All the warning signs. Granted those who do not see them do not recognize them.
It is obvious that the Lord is not blessing this country and that was my point. Even a casual observer can figure this out. The descent of this nation can be traced almost to the day of the Israel reformation. They own everyone in Washington either through bribery or blackmail. Our representatives that we supposedly elect do not decide anything. Israel calls the shots and maybe that is why the Lord has not yet poured his wrath out on this nation.
Do you think Israel has made all choices for mankind?we get the government we deserve. Hard lesson yet i believe this to be True!
Blaming all our woes on Israel or satan serves only to empower him.
Last edited 3 months ago by a follower, working on it.
They are making the choices in the here and now for this country. They are Satan’s Little helpers and as long as we let them have influence over this country, we will get the government they impose on us.
I’m wondering if we deserve God’s blessings presently. We took God and prayer out of public schools in 1962 and morals have been on a decline ever since. Maybe we don’t deserve God’s blessings because we allowed him to be taken out of our daily lives so nobody would be offended.
Not being a total socialist country of course come Tuesday that could
change if we continue down the path we have the last four years. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed for their sins of mostly homosexuality and Baal worship. We have done the same, plus murdered millions and millions of innocent babies. Their blood is crying from the earth now for God’s revenge. Prayer and Bibles being taken out of schools.
You Don’t Know Just How Blessed We Are With All These Sins and the last four years of the corruptions of the youth in this nation.
Trust Me We Are A Blessed Nation Even With Our Multiple Sins.
But God Is Going To Say Enough Is Enough and The USA Will Cry Out Cause Their Blessing(God’s Grace) Has Been Lifted.
That verse only applied to the old testament age and Israel and has nothing to do with our time in 2024. God divorced the nation of Israel at the cross and destroyed the temple using the Roman general Titus in AD 70, not one stone would be left upon another for another temple to be rebuilt and they were dispersed thru out the world and other nations. The Jews were supposed bring the Gospel to the nations during the Old Testament age but chose to continually commit egregious sins against the most high, that was there calling and they failed at it. The nation of Israel is the head of the beast system in our day and controls the U.S. and the ten major corporations of the world are controlled by them, it’s a lot to swallow but it biblical. Do you recall in scripture when Christ confronted the Jewish leaders of that day and the Jews were trying to catch him in a lie, but being God he knew there thoughts , this is how he answered them: you are of your father the devil and his works you will do, that verse speaks volumes of who these lying ashkenazi slime buckets are.
So the Old Testament doesn’t count NOW? Which is the fore runner of JESUS CHRIST and the New Testament is the new covenant, basically Jesus Christ!
Some you will never believe the Word as it is written or want to understand it.
First let me explain that many ministers use this terminology because David was the forerunner of Jesus Christ.
Christ was the root and offspring of David.
Revelation 22-16
I worship God also, but I follow what the scriptures plainly say.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and bless Israel. I don’t worship Israel, but I respect Israel for what it stands for in the biblical terms. God choose Israel as His people and God words never comes back Void!
There is no star of David. It is the star of chiun. God hates it, and says so in Hosea I believe. The star of chiun is used in satanic sex rituals. King David would be outraged to hear anyone refer to the six pointed star with his name.
Diva of Dance
3 months ago
No doubt this Norman Rockwell painting was intended to show how God’s Word will help someone become clean and sober. You can tell by the faces of the wife and daughter, and the man’s demeanor, that dad was throwing away a bottle of alcohol. Unless the mother and daughter are neocons, why would they be thankful that the Israeli flag is going into the trash? My opinion is that this is a poor choice of a classic painting to alter and show anti-Semitism. TO BE CLEAR, I bless Israel’s efforts to be a sovereign nation and pray that God helps them achieve their goal /BUT/ I wouldn’t send them money (who is accountable for the use of that money?) and I don’t want our military bleeding for them.
3 months ago
Government is the problem.
3 months ago
Israel is occupied by the Kazarian mafia. Evangelical support of them is troubling and cult -like.
Republicans are owned by AIPAC.
Mossad blackmails our politicians.
Israel was behind 911.
“Our greatest ally” has never allied with us to fight anyone, but they have pointed the direction they wanted the fighting to go for us for decades.
No one gets expelled from 189 countries in history because they’re an asset.
If this hurts your feelings then maybe the problem is you.
3 months ago
The picture of This six pointed star embraced by the Jews is a Star engraved on the Talisman of Saturn which is used in ritual magic Talisman of Saturn which violates the Commandment of Yahweh God in the name of Christ Jesus, Christ Yahoshua, Christ Yeshua, “Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.” This six pointed star was also, embraced and used by Solomon when he deviated and engaged in witch-craft; this star is connected to also the star god of Rephaim/Rhaiphan/Remphan/Rephan, also the name Moloch, Chiun, Kaiwan —your star-god are all connected and used ——of and by Babylonian-Cabalistic ritual practices which Solomon learned about, adopted and utilized later in his practices of engagement/beliefs in his life. Saint Stephen mentions it in The Book of Acts. Again, “Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.” This six pointed star is mentioned in The Book of Amos chapter 5 verse 25-27: “Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel. 26. But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun, your images, the Star of your god, which ye made to yourselves. 27. Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith (Yahweh) Lord, whose name is the God of hosts.” Furthermore, The Book of Acts chapter 7 verses 42-43 addresses this symbol linked to false gods-strange gods before Yahweh God in The Name of Christ Jesus, Christ Yahoshua, Christ Yeshua. Worshipping this six-pointed star is against Yahweh God The Father Who Art in Heaven in the Name of Christ Jesus, Christ Yahoshua, Christ Yeshua. This IS NOT the Star of David. It is connected to Solomon deviating from Yahweh God in the Name of Christ Jesus, Christ Yahoshua, Christ Yeshua. ISRAEL are a people!: The Race of Adam /Awwwdaaam, fair-skinned, ability to blush, ruddy …There are Twelve Tribes of ISRAEL. “King” Herod the Tetrarch, (this un-holy, detestable, repulsive filth) was an Edomite—- a fallen angel blood-line of Cain and Esau and Hated!!! Christ Jesus, Christ Yahoshua, Christ Yeshua and wanted Him murdered because Herod knew who Christ Jesus, Christ Yahoshua, Christ Yeshua was and Herod felt threatened of losing his power, control, deception and domination over the people. Thank you, kindly, for your time. I give my Thanks, Praise, Love, and All Glory and Honor Be unto Christ Jesus, Christ Yahoshua, Christ Yeshua. Amen. Amein.
The Tribe of Ephraim being removed or melding in is interesting, possibly very telling.
ozark homesteader
3 months ago
I’ve been sober quite a while, and I find it markedly appropriate that the pic was originally a depiction of a man deciding to get sober. Time to sober up, indeed.
This pic can be taken a couple of ways.
My opinion may throw salt in the eyes of some, don’t worry the tears will ease the pain.
#1–So as you pretend to lead your family in biblical trues, but at the same time toss an item with the Star of David on it. Sure sign that you pick and choose what you want to believe and teach your family from God’s Holy Word!
From Moses days as God’s pick to lead and teach the people of Israel. God has been very up front that Israel was and is his chosen people.
#2–As you read and teach God’s word to the family, You realize that the Star of David that’s in the trash can is a slap in God’s face about His chosen people. You teach a valuable lesson about respecting God’s wishing by retrieving it!
God is very plain about those that oppose or stand with Israel.
”I will Bless them that Bless Israel and I will Curse them whom Curses Israel.”
I asked you this question on a previous post and you did not answer. Can you explain how the United States is being blessed right now?
“ Can you explain how the United States is being blessed right now?”
i’ll swing, we (this nation) are being blessed that Yah’s full wrath has not yet been unleashed. Amos 5:18 i have no doubt will come into play, quite possibly during yet our lifetimes Yah willing, and many who think they will be gone for this event may be in for a surprise!
i as an individual have been blessed with work to provide for, shelter, food that sustains, clothing and His many blessings that many still seem to take for granted.
The absence of curses isn’t a blessing Follower working on it.
Blessings in your personal life is awesome and Biblical BUT the Question asked is how supporting Israel is Blessing America .
I look forward to your answer.
That is not what Tigg asked ? Stop adding or subtracting at your pleasure. Your answer remains here
until you recognize that you are ignoring what was said, and now you have others following you in this deception. You do not even see i made a distinction between Judea and Israel the target created by the Cabal. And yes their are innocents there, there are also those who believe in our one Mashiak.
Another blessing from above? All the warning signs. Granted those who do not see them do not recognize them.
Ok,followed the link.
Still waiting for the actual scriptures about the scepter and the promise AND how you think it applies to America.
Please back up your statement with scriptures and stand firm in explaining when questions arrive.
Alo please explain the scriptures about calling someone who asks questions a troll.
Live your professed faith.
I try too.
It is obvious that the Lord is not blessing this country and that was my point. Even a casual observer can figure this out. The descent of this nation can be traced almost to the day of the Israel reformation. They own everyone in Washington either through bribery or blackmail. Our representatives that we supposedly elect do not decide anything. Israel calls the shots and maybe that is why the Lord has not yet poured his wrath out on this nation.
Do you think Israel has made all choices for mankind?we get the government we deserve. Hard lesson yet i believe this to be True!
Blaming all our woes on Israel or satan serves only to empower him.
They are making the choices in the here and now for this country. They are Satan’s Little helpers and as long as we let them have influence over this country, we will get the government they impose on us.
I’m wondering if we deserve God’s blessings presently. We took God and prayer out of public schools in 1962 and morals have been on a decline ever since. Maybe we don’t deserve God’s blessings because we allowed him to be taken out of our daily lives so nobody would be offended.
Alan a good question.
In scripture God blessed those who obey God’s laws.
I asked if Israel who God has sent into defeat,destruction of the temple and into slavery FOR SIN, could bless Israel in its current state of sin.
Homosexuality is celebrated in Israel as well as plenty others.
Jesus himself told the Jewish priests “that God could raise up children of Abraham from these stones “.
I worship God not Israel.
Well said! Who is $ John Galt?
Not being a total socialist country of course come Tuesday that could
change if we continue down the path we have the last four years. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed for their sins of mostly homosexuality and Baal worship. We have done the same, plus murdered millions and millions of innocent babies. Their blood is crying from the earth now for God’s revenge. Prayer and Bibles being taken out of schools.
You Don’t Know Just How Blessed We Are With All These Sins and the last four years of the corruptions of the youth in this nation.
Trust Me We Are A Blessed Nation Even With Our Multiple Sins.
But God Is Going To Say Enough Is Enough and The USA Will Cry Out Cause Their Blessing(God’s Grace) Has Been Lifted.
From your own words America is in sin.
There is no scripture that God blesses a nation in sin.
I suggest that Israel is in sin. Homosexuality is celebrated and so forth.
Scripture tells how God allowed the destruction of Israel and the temple and sent them into slavery until they repented.
That verse only applied to the old testament age and Israel and has nothing to do with our time in 2024. God divorced the nation of Israel at the cross and destroyed the temple using the Roman general Titus in AD 70, not one stone would be left upon another for another temple to be rebuilt and they were dispersed thru out the world and other nations. The Jews were supposed bring the Gospel to the nations during the Old Testament age but chose to continually commit egregious sins against the most high, that was there calling and they failed at it. The nation of Israel is the head of the beast system in our day and controls the U.S. and the ten major corporations of the world are controlled by them, it’s a lot to swallow but it biblical. Do you recall in scripture when Christ confronted the Jewish leaders of that day and the Jews were trying to catch him in a lie, but being God he knew there thoughts , this is how he answered them: you are of your father the devil and his works you will do, that verse speaks volumes of who these lying ashkenazi slime buckets are.
So the Old Testament doesn’t count NOW? Which is the fore runner of JESUS CHRIST and the New Testament is the new covenant, basically Jesus Christ!
Some you will never believe the Word as it is written or want to understand it.
Al you seem very well versed in scripture.
Could you please point out where in the Bible that David had a star.
You seem to make it spirituality important so it must have scripture about it.
Baal had a star symbol described in scripture.
Satan has been using the fallen star symbol.
Please advise what scripture makes a star of David holy.
First let me explain that many ministers use this terminology because David was the forerunner of Jesus Christ.
Christ was the root and offspring of David.
Revelation 22-16
Revelations 22:16 says Jesus was of the line of David and Jesus is described as the morning star.
So are you saying that the Jewish star of David is celebrating Jesus the Son of God?
Is that your sense of offense that they are tossing Jesus into the trash?
You need to learn a bit more about Judaism. Jesus isn’t celebrated.
But then again I have a fulfilled Jew in my MAG and he’s told me how Jesus is seen in Judaism.
Sorry Al I worship God not Israel.
I worship God also, but I follow what the scriptures plainly say.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and bless Israel. I don’t worship Israel, but I respect Israel for what it stands for in the biblical terms. God choose Israel as His people and God words never comes back Void!
There is no star of David. It is the star of chiun. God hates it, and says so in Hosea I believe. The star of chiun is used in satanic sex rituals. King David would be outraged to hear anyone refer to the six pointed star with his name.
No doubt this Norman Rockwell painting was intended to show how God’s Word will help someone become clean and sober. You can tell by the faces of the wife and daughter, and the man’s demeanor, that dad was throwing away a bottle of alcohol. Unless the mother and daughter are neocons, why would they be thankful that the Israeli flag is going into the trash? My opinion is that this is a poor choice of a classic painting to alter and show anti-Semitism. TO BE CLEAR, I bless Israel’s efforts to be a sovereign nation and pray that God helps them achieve their goal /BUT/ I wouldn’t send them money (who is accountable for the use of that money?) and I don’t want our military bleeding for them.
Government is the problem.
Israel is occupied by the Kazarian mafia. Evangelical support of them is troubling and cult -like.
Republicans are owned by AIPAC.
Mossad blackmails our politicians.
Israel was behind 911.
“Our greatest ally” has never allied with us to fight anyone, but they have pointed the direction they wanted the fighting to go for us for decades.
No one gets expelled from 189 countries in history because they’re an asset.
If this hurts your feelings then maybe the problem is you.
The picture of This six pointed star embraced by the Jews is a Star engraved on the Talisman of Saturn which is used in ritual magic Talisman of Saturn which violates the Commandment of Yahweh God in the name of Christ Jesus, Christ Yahoshua, Christ Yeshua, “Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.” This six pointed star was also, embraced and used by Solomon when he deviated and engaged in witch-craft; this star is connected to also the star god of Rephaim/Rhaiphan/Remphan/Rephan, also the name Moloch, Chiun, Kaiwan —your star-god are all connected and used ——of and by Babylonian-Cabalistic ritual practices which Solomon learned about, adopted and utilized later in his practices of engagement/beliefs in his life. Saint Stephen mentions it in The Book of Acts. Again, “Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.” This six pointed star is mentioned in The Book of Amos chapter 5 verse 25-27: “Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel. 26. But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun, your images, the Star of your god, which ye made to yourselves. 27. Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith (Yahweh) Lord, whose name is the God of hosts.” Furthermore, The Book of Acts chapter 7 verses 42-43 addresses this symbol linked to false gods-strange gods before Yahweh God in The Name of Christ Jesus, Christ Yahoshua, Christ Yeshua. Worshipping this six-pointed star is against Yahweh God The Father Who Art in Heaven in the Name of Christ Jesus, Christ Yahoshua, Christ Yeshua. This IS NOT the Star of David. It is connected to Solomon deviating from Yahweh God in the Name of Christ Jesus, Christ Yahoshua, Christ Yeshua. ISRAEL are a people!: The Race of Adam /Awwwdaaam, fair-skinned, ability to blush, ruddy …There are Twelve Tribes of ISRAEL. “King” Herod the Tetrarch, (this un-holy, detestable, repulsive filth) was an Edomite—- a fallen angel blood-line of Cain and Esau and Hated!!! Christ Jesus, Christ Yahoshua, Christ Yeshua and wanted Him murdered because Herod knew who Christ Jesus, Christ Yahoshua, Christ Yeshua was and Herod felt threatened of losing his power, control, deception and domination over the people. Thank you, kindly, for your time. I give my Thanks, Praise, Love, and All Glory and Honor Be unto Christ Jesus, Christ Yahoshua, Christ Yeshua. Amen. Amein.
Thank you so much for drawing light to this!
The Tribe of Ephraim being removed or melding in is interesting, possibly very telling.
I’ve been sober quite a while, and I find it markedly appropriate that the pic was originally a depiction of a man deciding to get sober. Time to sober up, indeed.